The Sacred Cows By Charles Ogbu

In the 21st century 2016 in a certain West African Country called Nigeria, and at a time when the country is experiencing security challenges from a twin terrorist group (Boko Haram and Fulani Herdsmen) dubbed the deadliest and the 4th deadliest terror groups in the whole world respectively by the Global Terror Index, coupled with wide spread cases of extrajudicial/hate-induced killing of civilians by her national army,
The military authority decided to do something very “remarkable”
Don’t jubiliate first, until you hear how “remarkable” this action of the army is:
The military authority has just sent its soldiers to Argentina for a special military training.
But here is the shocker:
The military DID NOT send its soldiers to Argentina to get trained in Counter-Insurgency Operation to be better positioned to combat the Boko Haram and fulani terrorists.
The military DID NOT send its soldiers to Argentina to get trained on how to deal with civilians without necessarily shooting them in cold blood as was shown in a recent Amnesty International video where the army killed unarmed IPOB members and bathed survivors with acid.
The Military DID NOT even send its soldiers to Argentina to improve themselves academically seeing as some of them are obviously poorly lettered to confront security challenges in the modern world.
The military, I mean, the army…. the one that is headed by the IPOB and Shiites-killing Tukur-Yusuf Buratai and under the command of our own very cow-friendly Muhammadu Buhari, that man who owns legendary 150 homosexual cows….yes, that particular military took this “remarkable” decision to send its soldiers to Argentine to go learn
As in, rear cows like the Fulani Herdsmen!
This is the Country I have the misfortune of being born into!
Reserve some pity for me, please.
Let’s quit the politically correct bullshit and pay ourselves the courtesy of being blunt.
Nigeria under Muhammadu Buhari is a COWntry, not a country.
The system of government Nigeria is practising under this cow-friendly Muhammadu Buhari is known as COWocracy, not Democracy!
If the gods would be so heartless as to return me, Charles Ogbu Sunday Nkwor-Aningene to this British fraudulent fraud called Nigeria in the next life, IF there is a next life, I only ask of one thing:
I want to come as a cow! Not just any cow but specifically a fulani cow because then, I’d be automatically guaranteed of every right both known and unknown to man including the right to have people, human beings with flesh and blood killed in their thousands and their homes taken from them just so I, the ever sacred and all important cow Charles Ogbu will live and have enough grazing field to feed myself.
Nigeria is a walking shame but the crying shame is that I have the singular misfortune of being yoked together with these cow-brained humans who place the welfare of cows over and above that of humans.
Indeed, the great literary god, Chinualumogu Achebe was right,
There Was A Country!