10 Least Stressful College Majors With Highest Paying Salaries
These are the college majors that spend most time relaxing and socialising according to a new study from Indiana University which shows that potential college or university candidates who decided to pursue courses such as Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) may enjoy free times than initially believed.
This was discovered in the annual National Survey of Student Engagement, NSSE and despite their reputation as brain busters and time-consuming, the STEM courses reportedly have some of the most down time.
10 College Majors with Stress-Free time and good salary
1. Software Engineering
This college major focuses on the application of engineering to the development of software in a systematic method. In other words, it involves research, design, develop, and test operating systems-level software, compilers, and network distribution software for medical, industrial, military, communications, aerospace, business, scientific, and general computing application.
Surprisingly, it allows the students in the field more free times – as free as 13.84 hours per week and good possibilities of getting jobs with an annual salary range of $102,280.
2. Computer Science
The computer science studies the theory, experimentation, and engineering that form the basis for the design and use of computers. Students who study the major in college enjoy 13.7 hours or relaxations every week and also stand fat chances of getting jobs with a salary of about $111,840 per anum, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
3. Astronomy
For those interested in celestial beings, astronomy uses the knowledge of mathematics, physics, and chemistry, to explain the origin of those objects and phenomena and their evolution. But as complicated as it may seem, the NSSE shows that college students in this field enjoy 13.0 hours of relaxation per week and salary expectancy of $114,870 a year.
4. Computer Engineering and Tech
The world has become a global village thanks to science and tech. Students in this college programme may seem like nerds who has nothing better to do with their time than to design, build, test and repair a computer-based system or any part of one. Guess what, they enjoy as much as 13.08 hours every weekday with fair chances of finding high paid, quality jobs after graduation.
CNBC explained that one reason these students may feel passive is their strong likelihood of finding well-paid, high-quality jobs upon graduation.
Also, the survey stated that among other college majors, the STEM consistently has some of the highest rates of employment and the highest incomes.
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Other College Majors with the most free time
5. Public Relations and Advertising
Hours of relaxation per week: 12.93
6. Economics
Hours of relaxation per week: 12.82
7. Marketing
Hours of relaxation per week: 12.78
8. Zoology
Hours of relaxation per week: 12.76
9. Materials Engineering
Hours of relaxation per week: 12.76
10. Physics
Hours of relaxation per week: 12.72