JSS 1 Pupil Poisons Classmate For Taking First Position

A junior secondary school 1 pupil of Lekki British International School, Lekki, Lagos, has been expelled for allegedly attempting to kill his female classmate by putting acid inside her water bottle.
According to reports, the young boy who is a Junior Secondary School 1 pupil was envious of the 11-year-old female classmate, who had beaten him to the first position in the first and second terms.
In order to eliminate his competitor, as the school was planning for the third term exam, he stole a vial of sulphuric acid and ethanol from the lab, mixed the two chemicals together and poured them into his female classmate’s water bottle.
However, two pupils of the school caught him in the act and reported to the school management.
The suspect allegedly owned up to the crime, saying he had been planning it for some time. It was gathered that the boy had planned to put faeces in the girl’s juice bottle before he decided to put the chemicals.
Although the girl’s mother had asked the school to expel the child in case he has plans to hurt others, a member of the 11-year-old’s family said on Wednesday that despite the culprit’s confession, the school allowed him to sit for the third term examination.
According to the female student aunt’s, the school has accused the girl’s parents of trying to destroy the boy by asking for him to be expelled. She also claimed that the girl was forced by the school to write an apology letter.
But Punch reports that it contacted the school management and an official, who did not identify herself, said the pupil had been expelled. “The boy has been expelled with immediate effect. The girl is in school and she is fine. We have zero tolerance for such misbehavior”, she said.
The girl’s aunt, however, expressed that the school expelled the boy to cover up their mistake after the story went viral.
Abimbola Ololade Oligbinde, a Facebook user who shared the story on her page wrote:
“Update on the acid poisoning matter, the school authority said they had expelled the boy but the family of the girl insist that the boy was still in school as at the time they broke the news.
“According to the aunt, the little girl was coerced to write a false statement and the school owner asked the girl and her mum to get out of her school.
“This expulsion story, according to the aunt is damage control done by the school after the story went viral”.
Below is the full story on Abimbola Ololade Oligbinde’s Facebook page as narrated by the young girl’s aunt:
“Did you read about a 12-year-old child who wanted to kill his classmate with acid because she became a competition for him? Well, I thought it happened in the US but I was wrong. It happened in Lekki British International School here in Lagos. Here is an update from the victim’s aunt. Sadly, the school is protecting the potential murderer and threatening the victim.
Please read:
“Hmmm…good morning parents.I will come back on this matter of the 12year old who attempted to kill his classmate with a broader perspective..deeper than this parent just analyzed. The child in question is my niece…been following the trend of events since the incident precisely on Wednesday 14th June 2017 at about 1.30pm. It will amaze you that the school in question still has the boy in school…no mental case assessment, he was allowed to write the very same exams he had tactfully planned on executing his classmate for so that she doesn’t take the first position again, sitting right in the same classroom! He had stolen from the lab sulphuric acid and ethanol and mixed both into the girl’s water bottle for her to drink after lunch. When asked, he said he had been planning this since second term..his first plot had been to put feaces gradually on a daily basis into her screwed bottle juice that she usually came to school with. But with God’s invention, on his first day of that plot, she didn’t come to school with that screw top he changed the plan.
After this incidence..upon enquiry, the girl’s mother was told that he was to resume a mere one week suspension next week after exams are over on Friday which is tomorrow..she insisted that the punishment would only have reinforced the boy…as they should have started from expulsion and maybe work it down to a term’s suspension after proper evaluation of d boy’s mental state(if the school still thought it was necessary to retain such an evil mind in the school that is). However, to her greatest shock..the owner of the school cornered her daughter to coerce her to write a false statement that she provoked the boy to such an evil act!!!! How evil can one get?!!!!
That the boy looked really hence the victim as always in Nigeria has become the culprit! Simply because she still wants to count her money in millions as school fees???!!!! What more does a pupil have to do to get expelled from such a prestigious school or any school at all?
Should a murder have to take place first? If he actually had succeeded in his carefully calculated plans..of which he had a list of other intelligent kids he planned to kill after he succeeds in dis one! A set of parents would have been left without their very brilliant daughter had God not rescued the situation through the intervention of the two boys that caught him in the act. And such a child is still walking d school as I speak to you boldly whilst the victim can no longer drink anything in d school for fear of being poisoned.
To correct the view of the initial writer..and this only makes it worse..the kids are in Js1!! The girl joined them after a few weeks in first he had only been opportune to have a glimpse of the first place in the continuous assessment tests before she came along and made first place first and second term in a row, hence this plot to kill her before third term exams begin.
One would think that the school authorities will be very concerned about what is going on in the mind of this child and immediately remand him to psychological and psychiatric help! But alas the parent of the victim is being accused by the school management of wanting to destroy the life of the boy by asking that he be expelled and made to write an apology.
An apology came after one week of the incidence after it was vehemently demanded for. I am appalled at the rot and decay of any form of value system that has exhumed from one of Nigeria’s supposed best schools…. Lekki British International School.”