Buhari, The North and Boko Haram; Beyond the Charade

President Muhammadu Buhari.
Editor’s Note: The attack by Boko Haram insurgents and Fulani herdsmen no doubt has wrecked a great deal of havoc in Nigeria.
In this opinion by Charles Ogbu, he examines the acts of the Boko Haram insurgents and Fulani herdsmen, and the role that President Buhari has played in managing the crisis.
The last couple of days have seen a surge in Boko haram attack culminating in the death of not less than 48 people made up of both soldiers and civilians looking for oil in Lake Chad. Just two days ago, the islamic terror group took over a town in the Northeast. Before then, they released a video which showed them buying and selling and carrying out normal activities in a place that is supposed to be the Sambisa forest.
I would feign shocked at any of these except I would have lied.
The biggest lie Nigerians have been fed with is that the president Muhammadu Buhari-led government is prosecuting a war against Islamic terror group, Boko haram. This is as fallacious as anyone claiming that kaduna state governor, Nasir Elrufai had any plan of prosecuting the marauding fulani herdsmen slaughtering women and children in southern kaduna or that Buhari is fighting corruption.
The truth about this government and Boko haram is that the former has always been using the latter to achieve some sinister objective. The duo have never really been foes. I understand this might sound oddly counter-intuitive but under close examination, the truism of the above assertions would be revealed.
This current Boko haram is not the dreaded Islamic terror group this government would want us to believe it is. And it is certainly not the Muhammad Yusuf brand of Boko haram which was known for its strong aversion to western education and technology. What we currently have is simply some form of pressure group the North uses to blackmail the rest of the country. This group played a significant role in orchestrating the “arrangee” Chibok girls kidnap which was tremendously instrumental in firing Jonathan and hiring Buhari.
Read also: Be alert, no time to rest yet – Buratai charges troops fighting Boko Haram
Another truth is that between this government and boko haram, there is absolutely no ideological difference. None whatsoever.
Let’s check it out:
Both seek only to subdue, conquer as well as impose sharia on the rest of the country.
Boko haram is peopled by Islamic extremists. This government starting from the president down to all the security agencies which are under the control of Northern Muslims is equally peopled by Islamic fundamentalists.
A quick Google search on the very despicable role president Buhari and his security chiefs played in protecting the 5 Islamic fundamentalists who dismembered Mrs Bridget Agbahime in Kano sometime in June last year will clear anyone’s doubt about the authenticity of this assertion of mine.
Most of the 19 northern states are currently operating sharia law which is basically what Boko haram has been fighting to enthrone. On his part, president Buhari is an unrepentant religious bigot who has demonstrated more respect and allegiance to his Islamic faith even at the grave cost of violating the right to life of the same Nigerians who employed him.
Boko haram beheads infidels for blasphemy. The sharia-practicing Northern state execute blasphemers too. Even when innocent people are butchered in the north in the name of blasphemy, both president Buhari, the security chiefs and governors of those northern states always throw their weight behind such savagery.
Read also: Buratai arrives Maiduguri to tackle Boko Haram insurgents
A typical example is the case of the Imo state woman, the late Bridget Agbahime, who was killed by Muslim youths in broadday light in kano for asking her Muslim neighbour not to do ablution in front of her shop. President Buhari did not prosecute the 5 killers of the woman despite the fact that they were all arrested. Instead, he stylishly justified her death by asking us to show respect to each other’s religion.
Even the police which quickly arrested and prosecuted Joe Umunnakwe for naming his dog “Buhari” simply chose not to prosecute the Kano 5. At the end, the 5 soulless Islamic fundamentalists who butchered that woman yet walk the earth as free men, all thanks to the sharia-practicing govt of Kano state which declared them all innocent despite mounthing evidence to the contrary.
Islamic extremists who murdered the RCCG pastor, the late Eunice Elisha close to a mosque in no other place than the F.C.T, Kubwa precisely, in July last year, were all allowed to walk free by the Buhari government. Let me quickly add that the deafening silence of CAN and our big Daddy G.Os such as Pastor Adeboye as well as the rest of us over the islamic killing of both Bridget Agbohime and Eunice Elisha is nothing short of criminal.
Read also: Memory Lane By Charles Ogbu
A terror group that chops off non-muslims’ head in the name of blasphemy and a government that not only sentences people to death but equally encourages mob killing of non-Muslims for the same blasphemy, is there any difference?
As I type this, almost all the high ranking Boko haram commanders imprisoned by the last government have all been released into the society. There are rumours that they are being re-integrated into the military.
Millions of dollars have been given to the terrorist group by the Buhari govt under the guise of one dubious prisoner swap or hostage ransom. The govt information minister, Alhaji Liar Muhammad recently admitted this. Let’s not forget that this govt already announced amnesty for “repentant” Boko haram terrorists even when they are still killing, bombing and maiming ill-fated soldiers mostly drawn from the southern part of Nigeria. In other words, once the terrorists get tired of killing or they are arrested, they stand a fool-proof chance of not just walking free but walking back to their killing ways with even more millions of dollars from the same govt which claims to be fighting it. And with these monies, they could easily buy more sophisticated weapon.
How tragically funny!
We will do well to remember that few years ago, under president Jonathan, this same Buhari vehemently defended the terror group, describing them as freedom fighters and vowing to take any attack on the terrorists as attack on the entire North. And with his party, the APC, they objected to the group being proscribed as a terror group by the last govt. And in appreciation, the terror group named him (Buhari) as its representative in a failed peace talk with Jonathan’s government.
Buhari openly defended boko haram even when it was rated the world deadliest terror group. How can anyone reasonably believe that such a man will do anything to hurt the same boko haram now that he’s in power?
Read also: The Igbo Question and the Media Lacuna by Charles Ogbu
Truth is, Muhammadu Buhari has never seen Boko haram as a terror group. Neither has the terror group ever seen Buhari as an enemy.
Another truth is that some highly placed Northerners like the Borno state governor, alhaji Shettima, has a very strong open rapport with the terror group. Elrufai and Murtala Nyako all wrote series of letters urging world leaders not to sell weapons to the govt of Jonathan then.
It was in the official lodge of this Borno state governor Shettima here in Abuja that a top Boko haram commander, Kabiru Sokoto, who masterminded the Madalla Christmas day bombing of St.Theresa’s church in Niger state was arrested few years ago under the last govt. Today, there are very strong feelers that this Kabiru Sokoto has since been released, the same way a police commissioner, Zakari Biu, who facilitated his escape was hurriedly recalled and re-instated the very moment Buhari came to power, even as he has now retired.
Read also: The Senate Anti-Restructuring Vote, Biafra Agitation and the rest of us By Charles Ogbu
What was a top commander of a group once rated the world’s deadliest terror group doing in Borno state governor’s lodge few weeks after executing a deadly terror attack that left hundreds of Christians dead and hundreds morewounded?
And how come the Nigerian military authority is always so eager to treat arrested members of the terror group like loyalties even when the same military is killing and maiming the non-violent IPOB and even spraying them with dangerous chemical?
How can it be that each time there is a reduction in the frequency of Boko haram attack, there is always a proportionate increase in attack by the fulani terror group wearing the grabs of herdsmen?
Questions and more questions with no answers.
Whatever you chose to believe, you will do well not to disremember that Buhari and his fellow jackals and hyenas ARE NOT here to grow your economy or give you good life. They are here to implement a Northernization/islamization agenda. Sadly, with boko haram, fulani herdsmen and firm grip on all the security agencies coupled with a hopeless sense of complacency and naivety by Southerners and Northern Christians, their plan seems to be on course.
For Nigeria as a country, “winter” is not coming. It is here already!
The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of NaijaNews.com.
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