Man Set on Fire for Allegedly Stealing an Amplifier from Mosque
-Angry mob beats up and burns man accused of stealing an amplifier.
Police have revealed that an angry mob on Thursday in Indonesia burnt a man alive after alleging him of stealing an audio amplifier from a mosque.
Head of the local police’s criminal investigations, Rizal Marito, disclosed that locals pursued the 30-year-old man after he was seen coming out of a mosque in Bekasi district, near the Indonesian capital, with the amplifier.
According to the security operative,”The mosque’s caretaker shouted ‘Thief!’ and people chased him”.
The mob caught the accused about two kilometres from the mosque and beathimup, while some in the crowd poured petrol on the man and setting him ablaze.
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He died on the spot from injuries and severe burns.
Marito denied local media reports that the man was a technician who was taking out the amplifier for repair.
The police said the victim’s family will not press charges.
Jungle justice is rampant in Indonesia, where there is a lack of trust and hopein the the police and the justice system is high.