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Shop Owner Accused of Raping a Boy, Denied Bail




Man in court for burglary

Man Alleged of raping a six-year-old boy.

Six-year-old accuses shop-owner of violating him.

An Upper Area Court in Kasuwan Nama area of Jos has orderd that a shop keeper, Sunday Aniagolu, be remanded  in prison custody for allegedly defiling a six-year-old boy.

The Judge, Yahaya Mohammed, on Monday turned doen the accused request for bail and ruledthat he rmained in prison until August 14.

In denying the bail application, the Judge said an offence of rape by “unnatural means is not ordinarily bailable.’’

The police prosecutor, Sgt. Ibrahim Gukwat, had earlier told the court that one Maryam NaAllah of A4 Ali Kazuare st., Jos, reported the occurence to the `B’ Division police station on July 17, 2017.

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Gukwat disclosed in court that the complainant observed that her six-year old child was behaving abnormally and complaining of pains in the stomach and anus.

The prosecutor said the boy was taken to Our Lady of Apostle hospital in Jos, where semen traces were discovered in his anus.

Gukwat further told the court that the boy had accused the shop keeper of luring him to his shop where he sexually violated him.

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The prosecutor said the offence contravened Section 284 of the Penal Code.

Aniagolu, has however pleaded not guilty to the charge and complained to the court that the boy’s relatives had attacked and beat him up over the alleged crime.

Ibukun Josephine Bankole was a Senior Associate at Naija News. A Mass Communication graduate, Ibukun is passionate about journalism especially in the areas of health and child related issues. She loves eating beans, singing, acting and giving motivational speeches. Ibukun is meticulous and has a positive approach to life. Contact me via twitter/Instagram @ibukunbankole_