Nigeria Entertainment News
Laura Ikeji To Undergo Cosmetic Surgery

The cosmetic surgery now seems to be the trending act perpetrated by ladies, just after Tonto Dike took to social media to show how she is ashamed of her body and wants to undergo a cosmetic surgery and this as released a lot of comment in the country with people having one or two things to say about she not been appreciative of the body she has and at the same time some people have also taken to social media to appreciate her courage and strength to undergo such.
Laura Ikeji now shows her interest and acceptability of the act taken by Tonto Dikeh and would probably in few days or weeks undergo her cosmetic surgery.
Blogger and Fashion Enthusiast, Laura Ikeji has taken to social media to reveal that she’s ready to go under cosmetic surgery to show how inspired she is by Tonto Dikeh’s surgeries.
This is coming after Tonto revealed to have had some major surgical procedures on her to enhance her saggy assets in a new reality TV show set to air soon in the year 2018.
Blogger Linda Ikeji’s sister has however vowed to tow the same route to show how inspired she is by this great show of ‘courage’ and ‘strength’. According to Laura, Tonto Dikeh is indeed a King and deserves some respect.