Katsina Gov. Swears In New Commissioner For Education

Katsina Governor, Mr. Aminu Bello Masari
The Katsina State Governor, Bello Masari, has sworn in Badamasi Lawal Charanchi as the new Commissioner of Education.
The new commissioner was sworn in as part of efforts to tackle the prolonged decay of the public education sector in Katsina state.
Governor Masari advised Charanchi to improve the education sector by endeavouring to end the culture of the massive idle manpower at the education ministry.
Until his appointment, Charanchi was the special adviser to the governor on higher education.
Governor Aminu Bello Masari while inaugurating the new commissioner restates his administration determination to reposition teachers in the state in order to provide the required quality education.
Challenging the new commissioner to change the culture of the huge idle manpower at the education ministry with about 294 Directors, Masari considers manpower development of teachers as more important than the ongoing renovation projects taking place in the sector.
Charanchi while taking the oath of office pledges to discharge his assigned duty to the best of his ability in line with the constitutional provision.
Though the state government had recently recorded over 80% improvement in the sector, the quest for more successes is still needed by the state government.
The state government is planning to experiment 5000 teachers within the first quarter of the year.
It encourages the system and to address the shortage of teachers especially at the primary school level.