Nigeria News
Just in-Ambode Recommends 25-year Jail Term For Rapists

Lagos State Goernor Akinwunmi Ambode (Photo Credit:
Governor Akinwunmi Ambode of Lagos State today recommended minimum sentence of 25 years for rapists, saying rape should not be met with light sentencing. Ambode made the recommendation during a symbolic walk against domestic and sexual violence at Alausa.Naija News Learnt
“It is highly recommended. We need new laws which will respond adequately to the nature and occurrences of this era.
“Domestic violence is a crime and should be treated as such. The Protection against Domestic Violence Law, 2007 should, therefore, be amended accordingly,” he said.
“We firmly believe that the actions we take today will be the seeds sown for a brighter future for our women and indeed, our children.
“We believe our state can continue to pioneer in this agenda and become a benchmark not just in Nigeria, but globally,” he said. The governor said that a lot of progress had been made in protecting the rights of women and the girl-child, and against “oppression of the female gender’’, there was still so much to be done.
“We need to ask ourselves the hard question: for this course we honour today, how can we truly ensure we are walking the talk?
“In our state, there has been a significant increase in formal and informal reporting of domestic and sexual violence cases, but contrary to what it appears to be, this menace is not a recent development.
“These occurrences have been around for years, but they were seen as norms because nobody spoke out against them, and such acts were overlooked based on misguided definitions of gender roles.
“It is a journey of radical transformation, and our government is wholly committed to seeing it through,” he said.
Ambode said that the state’s Domestic and Sexual Violence Response Team had executed various interventions and initiatives as regards fighting sexual and gender-based violence.
“Our aim is to build a system of trust and accountability, where survivors are encouraged to speak out and potential perpetrators are discouraged to commit future acts,” he said.