Man Wants Divorce Because His Wife Is Too Beautiful

The Law
In what seem to be a bizarre request, a 40 years old heartbroken man has asked the court severe the union between himself and his wife, Hilda Mleya, 30, because she was too beautiful.
At Chief Chireya’s court in Gokwe, Zimbabwe, Arnold Masuka, 40, the complainant made his sensational claims before Chief Chireya.
Reports have it that Arnold is seeking for divorce because of the sleepless night his wife beauty is giving him.
The situation had got so bad he was afraid of going to work or leaving her alone as he feared she would attract other men.
Chief Chireya asked Arnold if indeed he was ready to abandon his wife and young children, which Arnold answered in the affirmative.
The Chief urged the couple to continue staying together as husband and wife, but Masuka told the court that their marriage had ended, even before the case started.