World News
Iran Reacts To Nuclear Allegations, Call Netanyahu An “Infamous Liar”

Isreali Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu
Netanyahu Is A Liar – Iran
Iran today called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “infamous liar” over his allegations Iran was secretly running a nuclear weapons programme.
Foreign ministry spokesman Bahram Ghasemi called the accusations that Tehran lied about its nuclear ambitions “worn-out, useless and shameful”.
In a statement, Ghasemi said Netanyahu’s comments came from a “broke and infamous liar who has had nothing to offer except lies and deceits,”.
“Netanyahu and the notorious, child-killing Zionist regime must have reached the basic understanding that the people of the world have enough awareness and cognisance,” he added.
Recall Naija News reported that Netanyahu claims that he has new “proof” of an Iranian nuclear weapons plan that could anytime from now be activated.
Iran always defends that its atomic programme was for civilian purposes.