World News
Pulling Out Of Iran Nuclear Deal Will Not Hurt North Korea Talks, Trump Says

Donald Trump
The President of the United State, Donald Trump, has assured that the disrupting and pulling out of the Iran nuclear deal will not have negative impact on his upcoming nuclear talks with North Korea.
Trump stated that the United States is open to negotiating new nuclear accord with Tehran.
According to NAN, Trump when asked by journalist that if pulling out of the Iran deal would send the wrong message to Pyongyang that “I think it sends the right message.
“You know in seven years that deal will have expired and Iran is free to go ahead and create nuclear weapons.”
Trump, however, did not disclose whether the U.S. would pull out of the nuclear deal before a May 12 deadline for a decision.
“We’ll see what happens.”
Trump who showed his displeasure for the deal stated “that is just not an acceptable situation. They’re not sitting back idly. They’re setting off missiles, which they say are for television purposes.
“I don’t think so, though that doesn’t mean we won’t negotiate a real agreement.”