World News
China May Trash one-child policy Soon

China’s Leader (Photo Credit: VOA News)
According to Bloomberg reported on Monday, China is considering putting an end to the law that restrict the number of Children a family can have, citing people familiar with the matter.
With the number of births falling by 3.5 per cent to 17.23 million in 2017, China’s population is aging rapidly. in spite of the country’s decision in late 2015 to relax the controversial “one-child” policy and allow couples to have a second child.
“The State Council, or cabinet, has commissioned research on ending the country’s birth limits on a nationwide basis.
A decision could be made in the last quarter of this year or in 2019,’’ the Bloomberg report said.
The concern by the authority that a dwindling workforce will not be able to support an increasingly aging population, despiting China implemented its one-child policy in the 1970s to limit population growth.
With 32.66 million more males than females at the end of 2017, the one child policy has affected the population imbalance in the country.