Exchange Rate: Naira To Dollar At N360, Today

Naira To Dollar ( Photo File)
Nigerian Currency Rate To US Dollars Rate Remains At N360
Currency reports today shows that Naira remained stable at the parallel market in Lagos, exchanging at N360 to the dollar.
The Nigerian currency had traded at same rate for the past two days, while the Pound Sterling and the Euro closed at N480 and N421 respectively.
At the Bureau De Change (BDC) window, the Naira also closed at N360 to the dollar, while the Pound Sterling and the Euro traded at N480 and N421, respectively.
Trading at the investors’ window saw the naira close at N361.32, while it exchanged at N305.75 to the dollar at the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) official window.
Traders expressed optimism that the naira would remain stable in the weeks ahead as the CBN continues its interventions at the foreign exchange market