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Mourinho Sentenced To One Year In Prison With Suspended Sentence For Tax Fraud





Manchester United coach José Mourinho has agreed to pay a two million euro fine, instead of one year in prison, for two crimes of tax fraud, following an agreement with the Spanish Tax Authority.

A source close to the case told Lusa today that the agreement was reached after its reopening for crimes committed in 2011 and 2012 when Mourinho was training the Real Madrid football team and had already caused the coach to pay 4.4 million of euros to the tax authorities.

The Spanish daily El Mundo reported today that Manchester United’s current coach will pay close to two million euros in fines (966,922.56 euros for 2011 and 1,015,879.83 euros the following year), corresponding to 60% of the total hidden value.

As a result of the agreement, Mourinho is obliged to accept, in writing, that he has concealed from the Tax Authority that image value received through companies located in ‘tax havens’, such as the British Virgin Islands.