Save The Accused Gorillas And Snakes Of Nigeria

I hear that recently in our beloved country lawmakers were chased out of their plenary session by snakes in a state in the western part of the country. What impetus, how dare Mr. Snake do such a thing or is it possible that it’s a lie, especially for a country where academic Certificates of public officers are eaten by Termites and rats disturb its president from working in his office one cannot be Surprised.
Nigeria of Africa is a place where anything can happen, where the minutest thing can receive the utmost attention, and the less important displace the most important; for this reason, some have termed us as the exaggerating citizens. They may be right or wrong. It is a place where trends change very quickly.
Back to my animal gist, the Snake is not the only one with an impetus to dare stop lawmakers from having their plenary session; it was also reported how a gorilla allegedly swallowed the sum of N10 million generated from tourists who visited a zoo in the northern part of Nigeria. Also recall how rat forced the nation’s President, an ex-military man out of his office, what audacity!
What can a poor journalist do, it must have been difficult to even put the words into writing, as it sounded incredulous; however animals can’t speak the human language, can they? A meticulous editor would have searched for a technology used to decode the sound of animals in order to find out if the accused animals were actually guilty. Poor journalists, they just have to report the ‘allegedly’ to give a hint of what actually transpired since crime cannot take place without the subjects.
I am not trying to distance the accused animals from the allegations against them, far from it, I am only alerting Nigerians on how the second class beings (animals) have become the subjects of blame, caught in the web of the incompetence, irresponsibility and unscrupulous action, in-action of some individuals.
Meanwhile, it was later indicated that the gorilla that stole ten million naira came in the human form. Managing Director of the zoo discharged the poor gorilla and hinted that the money was stolen by burglars who had invaded the zoo and not an actual Gorilla as earlier reported by some quarters.
Since we are all caught up in this circle, I call out Nigerians to give us better narratives, own up to crimes if you stole, confess, if your raped, tell it to the appropriate quarters, if you are sick and you need a rest from your office, say it or at least put the appropriate delegate there to ‘Occupy till you return”. Save the rats and gorilla who have done you no harm, let’s have less melodramatic stories that do not touch the heart but shame the face of her self-professed fast developing country.