30 Celebrities Targeted By Trump On Twitter

Even before becoming president, Donald Trump often used Twitter to denigrate his opponents, critics, journalists and celebrities. Sometimes his notes are in response to a Hollywood actor or pop actor’s gesture or words, but generally, Trump’s invectives emerge from nowhere, leaving the intended person – and the social media users – puzzled, annoyed or intrigued by his intentions. Here is a list of 30 prominent people that Trump insulted on Twitter.

Arnold Schwarzenegger
Arnold Schwarzenegger
The Twitter war between Donald Trump and Arnold Schwarzenegger has been going on for a few years, and it was apparently launched by Trump’s comments during a welcoming speech at the 2017 National Prayer Breakfast, the moment he chose to make fun of ratings of Schwarzenegger in The Apprentice, aired on NBC. Trump even claimed that the Terminator was dead, before later clarifying that it was rather his ratings that were at a standstill. He also took the time to publish a tweet saying that Schwarzenegger had not left the show voluntarily, but had instead been ousted because of bad ratings.

Rosie O’Donnell
Rosie O’Donnell
Long before he became President Trump was already mired in an online quarrel with Rosie O’Donnell, a conflict that apparently dates back to a decade-long disagreement over an incident with Trump’s beauty queens. The war of words would have begun on the set of The View and Trump would have replied to O’Donnell while trusting to the magazine People. However, the advent of Twitter greatly facilitated things and the quarrel reached a new all-time high when Trump told O’Donnell that she was a ” real loser ” after she announced her betrothal. He also said of the actress that she was “rude, rude, peevish, and stupid”.

Jon Stewart
Jon Stewart
When Daily Show host Jon Stewart criticized Trump, a then-presidential candidate in 2015, by mocking his plans to defeat ISIS, Trump released a series of posts calling Stewart “insolent without talent, fool and bad filmmaker. This was not the first time Trump had targeted Stewart. In 2013, he wrote: “I assure you that I am much smarter than Jonathan Leibowitz – I mean Jon Stewart @TheDailyShow. Which, by the way, is totally overestimated.

Kristen Stewart
Kristen Stewart
When she animated SNL in 2017, actress Kristen Stewart joked that the president was probably watching the show and it made her nervous because she knew he was not wearing it in her heart. Trump’s vocal hatred for Stewart began in 2012, when he commented on the star’s love life, writing on Twitter that “Robert Pattinson should not take over with Kristen Stewart. She cheated on him like a dog and will do it again – you just have to watch. He can find a lot better! “He subsequently posted commentary on the actress several times. Stewart spoke about these attacks in an interview with Variety and said he was “really obsessed with me a few years ago, which is completely crazy.”

Megyn Kelly
Megyn Kelly
The war between Trump and the famous journalist Megyn Kelly began during the first debate for Republican presidential candidates when she called Trump saying “you have called women you do not like big sows, bitches, sluts and disgusting animals. “Trump relied on Twitter after the debate to say that Kelly” had really failed, “but Kelly’s critics have not stopped. A few days later, he resumed his attacks on Kelly’s appearance at the debate, saying that she “had blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of … anywhere.” In 2016, Trump posted a new message about it, saying “I refuse to call Megyn Kelly a “bimbo” because it would not be politically correct. I will call her only a mediocre journalist!”

Meryl Streep
Meryl Streep
In January 2017, when she received the Cecil B. DeMille Award for her entire Golden Globe career, actress Meryl Streep mentioned in passing that she was “stunned” when Trump appeared to mock a journalist. disabled. The next morning, Trump used Twitter to tell Streep that she was ” one of Hollywood’s most overrated actresses,” and that she was “Hillary’s hunk who had lost fat, ” saying at the same time that he had never made fun of the journalist in question.
Brian Williams
In 2012, when Donald Trump for the first time launched the idea of becoming president and spent most of his time pushing the conspiracy theory that President Barack Obama was not born in the United States, the journalist Brian Williams made fun of him online and read some of his most provocative messages. Of course, Trump retorted on Twitter, saying he hoped that NBC Nightly News did not pay Williams very much, adding, “Brian Williams has never been smart, but he claims to be. People will learn the truth!”

Debra Messing
Debra Messing
Before the Emmys in 2019, actress Debra Messing posted a Twitter post about a fundraising event for Trump in Beverly Hills and asked for a list of her supporters to be published to serve the public interest. The message drew Trump’s attention and relayed an anecdote that Messing apparently thanked him for boosting NBC’s profits with his show The Apprentice. Messing responded by criticizing the Trump administration’s response to natural disasters and shootings. Unable to shut up, Trump said on Twitter that “the bad “actress” Debra Messing Disaster is in the hot water. She wants to create a “blacklist” of Trump supporters and is accused of Maccartism. “He also accused the actress of saying” horrible things “about” blacks and mental health”.

Joy Behar
Joy Behar
If we believe the comedian and host of The View Joy Behar, she is happy not to be in the good graces of Trump for daring to criticize him. ” Right now, I’m on the list of bad guys, her list on Twitter,” Behar told Seth Meyers in 2017 when she was invited to her show. “I’m proud of it … it’s like being on Nixon’s list of enemies.” In 2016, Trump said Behar was fired from her last show because of her bad ratings and that she was “even worse” on The View.

Jimmy Fallon
Jimmy Fallon
The late-night show host was criticized for joking with Trump and playing with his hair, and for “normalizing” his xenophobic and misogynistic views when he appeared on his show in 2016. During a podcast with Hollywood Reporter in 2018, Fallon expressed regret over the way he conducted the interview, saying it was “a mistake”. No one will be surprised to learn that this comment angered Trump and that the president quickly turned to Twitter to accuse Fallon of “whimpering” about an event that earned him “monster ratings” at the time. He then scolded him saying, “Be a man, Jimmy!”

Kathy Griffin
Kathy Griffin
When comedian Kathy Griffin took part in a photoshoot where she was holding a trumped-up Trump’s head, Trump said, ” Kathy Griffin should be ashamed of herself. My children, especially my 11-year-old son, Barron, have a lot of trouble with that. Disgusting! “Even though Griffin quickly posted a video to apologize, saying,” The picture is too disturbing. I understand that I offended people, it was not funny, I understand it. She received a flood of negative comments. She was also removed from her post to CNN where she co-hosted the New Year celebrations and was strongly condemned by public figures and entertainers from all walks of life. She later said that she regretted her apology and that people could be insulted, but that she had not broken the law.

Whoopi Goldberg
Whoopi Goldberg
The co-host of The View, who is not one to spare Trump’s policies or chairmanship, has enumerated the many reasons why she sees him as racist. Little wonder, Trump signalled his disagreement, posting on Twitter in 2016, ” The @TheView @ABC show, once a big hit when run by @BarbaraJWalters, is now in full freefall. Whoopi Goldberg is terrible. Very sad!” The official account of The View on Twitter responded by posting” @realDonaldTrump Thank you for listening! ”

Russell Brand
Russell Brand
After watching an interview with Russell Brand, then invited to a late-night show, Trump posted on Twitter: “I watched Russell Brand @rustyrockets on the @jimmyfallon show the other night—what the hell do people see in Russell—a major loser! Trump decided to put a layer on it: “@katyperry must have been drunk when she married Russell Brand @rustyrockets – but he did send me a really nice letter of apology! “, without explaining to which letter he was referring or why Brand should have been ‘excuse. Brand reacted by asking Trump “@realDonaldTrump are you drunk when you write these tweets? Or does that foam you spray on your bald head make you high?“

Mark Cuban
Mark Cuban
Trump tried to provoke a quarrel with his billionaire colleague several times, nicknamed him ” Mark Cuban the comatose, known for the failure of The Benefactor ” in 2016, and in 2017 by claiming that Cuban was not “bright enough for to become president! ” Cuban, who has openly supported Hillary Clinton’s campaign, often ridiculed Trump’s attacks by dismissing them by hand or responding with a simple” LOL “.

Arianna Huffington
Arianna Huffington
Apparently, without a reason, Trump used Twitter in 2012 to insult media queen Arianna Huffington. He told Huffington that she was ” ugly inside and out,” and added, “I fully understand why her ex-husband left her for a man – he made a good decision.” But the attacks are not limited to this, Trump also called the Huffington Post and its founder a “fake.” Huffington personally never reacted to the series of notes that lasted a whole month, but the Post’s official account replied ” @realDonaldTrump We often wondered what was under the bottom of the barrel. Please tell us. Failure.”.

Alec Baldwin
Alec Baldwin
When Alec Baldwin mentioned that he hated doing his imitation of Trump on SNL, yet so popular with the public, but wanted to “hang on to the impeachment hearings,” the president attacked the actor, flaying in the process his first name and the word “dying” (spelled in the “dies” message). “Alex Baldwin, whose poor moribund career was saved by his imitation of me at SNL, now says that playing DJT was agony for him. Alex, it was also agony for those who had to look at you. You were terrible, “wrote Trump. Trump then erased his message and republished it later,

Alan Sugar
Alan Sugar
Even the host of the British version of Trump’s reality show The Apprentice is not immune to his diatribes. Before becoming president, Trump used Twitter to call Sugar “comatose” and claim that without Trump he would be nothing. ” On your knees, Sugar, and thank you, Mr. Trump,” he added. It was not the first time Trump insulted Sugar. He had previously lectured the British businessman about his support for wind energy, saying, ” If you think wind turbines are good for Scotland, you’re a worse businessman than I am. thought so … ”

Chris Matthews
Chris Matthews
Trump has never been kind to media personalities who do not share his point of view, so it’s not surprising that he used his Twitter platform to attack Hardball host Chris Matthews in 2013. ” Chris @hardball_chris Matthews’ ratings are reaching a new low. He alone destroyed the entire @msnbc channel, ” he said. Of course, Matthews is far from being an ardent defender of Trump and frequently compares his actions with those of Adolf Hitler and Saddam Hussein.

John Legend and Chrissy Teigen
John Legend and Chrissy Teigen
In September 2019, Trump was unleashed in a late-night tirade against singer John Legend and his wife, model and actress Chrissy Teigen, for failing to give him enough credit for his support for reforming the broadcasting system. criminal justice. In a feed on Twitter that also mentioned CNN host Van Jones and NBC presenter Lester Holt, Trump said ” …. the musician @johnlegend and his rude wife now say the situation is great – but I do not I did not see them when we needed help to get there. “Teigen responded with obvious amusement that it was an “honor” to be insulted by Trump and criticized her lack of courage for having directly called everyone in her ticket, except her.

John Oliver
John Oliver
In 2015, Trump said, “John Oliver has asked his people to call me to go to his very boring and low-rated show. I said “NO THANKS!” Wasted time and energy! “It took a few years for Oliver to remember that he had been inducted into the Trump Hall of Fame on Twitter When he brought the question back to the carpet, he made a hilarious video, confirming Trump’s assertion of his “boring, poorly rated” show, but stating that never before has he ever invited Trump on his show.