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20 Online Business Ideas To Launch In 2020




For all those who dream of starting their own business, the internet is an exceptional playground.

It is now possible for anyone to launch their business online only through their computer, and without investment or almost!

There is a multitude of ways to make money online that will allow you to be your own boss and work at your own pace while developing your own income. You do not have to be a pro in business management or even rent premises. A dream for entrepreneurs come true!

In this article, we show you 20 online business ideas to create in 2019, all ideal for those who dream of working from home. And what you want to start your activity full time or develop it gradually in parallel with your work as an employee.

  1. Start your blog

    Creating your own blog (like the one you are currently on) is a fun and rewarding way to make money online … but also one of the most time-consuming.

    If you like to write or have a passion that you would like to share with the world, launching a website is a great way to make your hobby a real paid activity. The launch costs are relatively low, the main expense is usually the hosting of your website.

    You can also start building your blog as a hobby, then gradually grow your business and brand over the months.

  2. The dropshipping

    Of the dozens or even hundreds of opportunities that exist to launch one’s business online, dropshipping is certainly one of the most interesting. Do some dropshipping means that you sell a product on your site without managing the stock yourself, but asking the supplier to ship orders directly to the customer.

    Even if the margin is smaller than if you manage the stocks yourself, the benefits are necessarily very attractive: no need for warehouses or logistics – you can manage your business directly from your computer!

    Once you’ve found your products and your supplier, just create an online storefront on a platform like Shopify, list your products, and you’re ready to ship! An ideal solution for making money even while sleeping.

  3. Become a coach

    If you are passionate about personal or professional development and dream of helping others develop their potential, consider selling your services as a coach!

    Whether you want to be a life coach, a couple, in a company, or in a specific niche, your passion and your expertise will allow you to offer advice and concrete measures to those who wish to evolve in the field you are targeting. Depending on your preferences, you can offer different types of coaching:

    • The individual coaching, where you are with your customers individually through individual work sessions.
    • The group coaching, where you organize webinars, training, workshops online … in order to involve more of your customers at once on a specific theme. Thereafter, you can even consider selling ebooks or coaching materials to build your passive income in the long run.
  4. Sell ​​”stock photos”

    If you appreciate photography (and know the basics), selling your photos online can be a great way to turn your talent into a real online business.

    Many companies, bloggers and others constantly need new photographs to accompany their content. There are some popular sites like Getty Images, Shutterstock or Adobe Stock where you can submit your photos and get paid for each download.

    To ensure sales, you will need to take photographs that interest the world, adding your personal touch to differentiate yourself from the competition. It’s also a good way to build a portfolio of your photographer’s work by highlighting your most popular images.

  5. Freelance writer

    If you have a minimum of writing talent (no need to be a journalist) and like to write on one or more topics, the web authoring activity as a micro-entrepreneur is for you!

    Starting your business online as a freelancer will necessarily require a little promotion (for example by creating your own showcase site where prospects can contact you) and networking to find your customers.

    Starting on popular platforms like Fiverr or UpWork will give you some visibility at the start. But in the long run, once you have proven yourself worthy of the task and have worked your reputation, the ideal way to earn more will be to work directly with your customers and businesses.

  6. Create websites

    With the many online course platforms available and all the resources that can be found on the internet, there is no need to take formal training to learn how to design websites.

    Many CMS or other site builders like WordPress or Shopify can create content and commerce sites that are both powerful and easy to manage. If the technical side is lacking, however, take the time to improve your skills in designing and building websites.

    You will then be able to find customers (such as SMEs or freelancers) who need to create their website but have neither the time nor the knowledge to do it themselves.

  7. Community Manager

    From now on, almost all companies must ensure a presence on social networks. Whether it is to work on their image, communicate with customers, promote their products or provide quality customer service, social media is becoming more and more essential for brands.

    If you have the knack for creating inspiring or engaging content on networks and federating online communities, this online business idea might appeal to you.

    You can also find many opportunities on sites like Fiverr, then develop your reputation for working live with your customers.

  8. Personal / Virtual Assistant

    Becoming a virtual assistant for companies or individuals is a great way to start an online business quickly and without big investments.

    The role of a personal assistant is to cover a variety of tasks such as answering calls, scheduling meetings, sending e-mails or communications in the place of your client, and so on. or manage customer support if you work for a company.

    You could easily work to become THE reference for business support and increase your reputation so that even the biggest customers are fighting for you.

  9. SEO Consultant

    Yes, SEO is one of my cute sins. This is also the first job that I practised, as SEO manager in agency and then at the advertiser. All this while being self-taught thanks to the hundreds of wonderful online courses available on the subject.

    Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is essential for anyone who has a website, or more broadly an online business. This is the art of optimizing your site and your content so that it appears as high as possible when searching users on search engines like Google.

    Once trained, you can offer consulting and strategy services, or simply focus on the operational and work yourself SEO of your customers. You can also accompany them punctually when they have specific needs, such as when redesigning a website.

  10. Start a resume writing service

    You are particularly proud of your resume, which has also won many interviews? Do you have the art of highlighting others and bringing out the potential of each? Consider marketing your resume writing service and/or cover letter, or more broadly accompanying job search.

    Most of this online business will focus on writing, editing, designing and proofreading resumes or online profiles like LinkedIn. You will need a few supplies outside of your computer and basic design software to get you started.

  11. Create your Etsy Shop

    Do you like art, DIY, create with your own hands? If so, you should take advantage of Etsy, an online platform dedicated to selling handmade or vintage (even prefabricated) items.

    Whether you’re making art, jewellery, clothes, decorations, or any other handcrafted item, creating your Etsy store will showcase your work and make money fast with the help of the great shoppers. of your original creations.

    Considerable benefit: Launching an Etsy store is completely free.

  12. graphic designer

    You do not need a degree in graphic design to start your online business in this field, even though you will, of course, have to be trained in this work.

    Graphic design skills are required for all types of projects: advertising displays, Pinterest images, illustrations for a website or flyers for an event …

    Here again, you will find many opportunities on sites such as Fiverr or UpWork. As your business grows, do not hesitate to create an online portfolio to promote your designs and gain notoriety.

  13. Resale of blogs

    It’s a bit like the “House for sale” websites: buy a blog already online but that its creator wants to sell to then rework, improve, generate regular traffic … and resell it for a (much) more great profit.

    This allows you to make money without having to constantly maintain your own blog. There are multitudes of sites on which you can buy and sell blogs, but one of the most popular is probably

  14. Online advertising manager

    Many local small businesses do not know how to grow their business with online advertising, and many large businesses do not have the time to do it themselves.

    By offering online advertising creation services (Facebook or Twitter Ads, Google Ads …), you enable your customers to gain visibility on the internet and reach their sales objectives more easily. And you can easily create your own brand to turn your business into a real online business.

  15. Become an Amazon seller

    Amazon’s trade has exploded in recent years, and it’s easier than ever to make money from this platform.

    For example, what is known as Amazon Arbitrage is buying local products at a discounted price in a store to resell at Amazon. For example, buying items at 75% off or more then billed at the normal price or with a lower discount on the platform.

    This technique, however, requires a lot of time to find the latest business around you, which can be quite time-consuming.

  16. Create and market your box

    You’ve probably heard of it already: Birchbox, Gambettes Box, My Little Box …

    At the moment, this monthly subscription box market is particularly active, and new ideas are constantly emerging. If a domain you particularly passionate (beauty, food, sport, wine …), this is the moment where you never launch!

    I envisioned this project a few months ago and strongly recommend the Cratejoy site blog which has a lot of content to understand this business model and create its own box.

  17. Affiliate Marketing

    Affiliate marketing is the principle by which a site selling products or services offers partners to promote their products in exchange for a commission.

    For example, if you have a blog or an active presence on social networks, you can create a link to the product of the company for which you are a partner. Depending on the method of compensation, you then earn money every time someone clicks on your link and buys that product/service.

    This is a simple, enjoyable online business idea with the potential for passive income, or almost (as long as you already have some visibility or plan to build it).

  18. Create a translation service

    If you are bilingual (or better yet), you can use your language skills to create your own online translation and / or interpretation business.

    There is a demand for almost any language imaginable, but some languages ​​can yield more than others (like Japanese or Chinese, for example).

  19. Buy and resell items on eBay

    If you’ve ever watched the Girlboss series, you know what I’m talking about. Based on a true story, this original Netflix tells how Sophia Amoruso created the company Nasty Gal by starting to sell on eBay collectables she found in San Francisco thrift stores.

    But this scenario does not exist only in the series. With the development of online commerce, there are more opportunities than ever to buy and resell products on the internet.

    If you have a sense of value and trade, selling items on eBay is an online business idea that can save you a lot of money. As for the rest, you will first have to find your niche, know what to sell and at what price – but also promote your business.

  20. Brand Strategy Consultant

    The Brand Strategist ‘s mission is to help companies understand what customers want and develop the brand based. Because even with the exceptional showcase offered by the internet, there are still tons of managers of small companies who have no idea how to sell.

    Of course, to be successful in branding, you will need some advertising or marketing expertise as well as project management knowledge.

Olawale Adeniyi Journalist | Content Writer | Proofreader and Editor.

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