MFM Power Must Change Hands Prayer Points For February 2020

Naija News has obtained the full list of prayer points for the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries (MFM) February 2020 Power Must Change Hand (PMCH).
The Power Must Change Hand (PMCH) programme is a monthly programme of the church which holds at its campground in Lagos State.
The February 2020 edition of the programme took place on Saturday, February 1st at the MFM headquarters in Lagos State with the theme “First Fruit Offering Service” and the confession taken from Psalm 91.
Below is the full February 2020 MFM Power Must Change Hand (PMCH) prayer points:
1. Satanic termites, that have been operating on my destiny tree, the power of the
Most High God shall destroy you today, in the name of Jesus.
2. O God my Father, by Your mercy, arise for my sake today and rescue my star from
collapse, in the name of Jesus.
3. Any power, on assignment to supervise my star for evil this year, arrows of sudden
death shall locate you today, in the name of Jesus.
4. All my dead stars, hear the word of the Lord; today, you shall collide with the star
of Jesus and you will begin to shine, in the name of Jesus.
5. Every wicked elder, assigned to give my star to an animal to feed on, by the power
that pulled down Goliath, receive the judgement of death, in the name of Jesus.
6. You my star, I prophesy unto you, the power to arise, and to shine and disgrace my
Pharaoh, shall come upon you today, in the name of Jesus.
7. Any power, assigned to share my star with a stranger, die now, in the name of
1. O God arise, and uproot anything You did not plant, inside the Mountain of Fire
and Miracles Ministries.
2. O God, let the fire of revival, fall upon the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries,
in the name of Jesus.
3. O God, let the power of peace and progress, overshadow this nation, in the name
of Jesus.
4. O God, arise and give us God-fearing leaders, in the name of Jesus.
5. Any power that has vowed to tear my destiny to pieces, Lion of Judah, tear them
to pieces, in the name of Jesus.
6. Crocodile of darkness, assigned to rubbish my destiny, catch fire, in the name of
7. Powers that want the journey of my destiny to end in death, die, in the name of
8. Powers that want to baptize me with the oil of shame, die with your oil, in the
name of Jesus.
9. Powers to find strange solution to strange problems, fall upon me, in the name of
10. Angels of death, pursue my enemies to their hole of fire, in the name of Jesus.
11. Powers that have vowed that I will never see the top, receive the arrows of death,
in the name of Jesus.
12. Powers that have vowed that I will never be great, receive the arrows of death, in
the name of Jesus.
13. My prayer arrows, arise, terminate every enemy pretending before me, in the
name of Jesus.
14. Strange powers, lining up my life for failure, run mad and die, in the name of Jesus
Lift up the offering and pray like this:
“Father, I thank You, for giving me the opportunity, the strength and the wisdom to
acquire this seed. I recognise and worship You with this offering as the only source of
all my income. I thank You because once I was lost, but now I’m found. I thank You for
the salvation of my soul.
As I give this first fruit offering now, accept it, O Lord, by the power in the blood of
Jesus. By this offering, I hereby acknowledge that You are my priority. O God, arise
and use this offering as a key to my increase, enlargement, promotion, and uncommon
favour. By this offering, let the power of the wasters be destroyed from my life, deliver
me from losses of any kind, and envelope my life with blessings money cannot buy.
By this offering, I plug myself into the socket of financial open heaven, uncommon
breakthroughs, dominion prosperity, uncommon favour, unimaginable achievements,
and total victory, in the name of Jesus.
As I give this first fruit offering, let its sanctifying power flow down into all my other
incomes. O Lord, catapult me into Your divine location, position, anointing and
wisdom for my life. Let the milk and honey of the earth be deposited into my bosom.
This I pray, in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.”
1. My picture, I use you as a point of contact. Any evil, programmed into you will
never manifest, in the name of Jesus.
2. You my picture, hear the word of the Lord; you will no longer respond to any
bewitchment, in the name of Jesus.
3. Every enchantment and divination, targeted at my life, through my picture, go
back to your senders, in the name of Jesus.
4. I use this picture, as a point of contact. My Father, let my story change for good,
in the name of Jesus.
5. Any satanic altar, harboring my pictures, catch fire now, in the name of Jesus.
6. Any evil shrine, having my pictures, catch fire now, in the name of Jesus. 7. Every evil priest, using my picture against my destiny, fall down and die, in the
name of Jesus.
8. Every power, consulting the triangular powers with my picture for evil, scatter, in
the name of Jesus.
9. Every dark power using my picture for divination, fall down and die, in the name
of Jesus.
10. You my picture, any evil arrow targeted at you, shall backfire, in the name of
11. I command my image to become untouchable coal of fire, in the name of Jesus.
12. Any power, using my picture against me, be disgraced, in the name of Jesus.
13. I put my myself in the envelope of the fire of the God of Elijah. I put myself in the
envelope of the blood of Jesus. Every dark imagination against my existence, be
nullified by the power in the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus.
14. Every spirit of Goliath, threatening my existence by using my image , I bury your
power, in the name of Jesus.
15. Any coven or occult gathering, using my image to trouble my life, catch fire and
burn to ashes, in the name of Jesus.
16. O Lord, You are my glory and the lifter of my head, command divine lifting upon
my head in the name of Jesus.
17. Any power beholding my image in any crystal ball, be blinded, in the name of
18. Anything that belongs to me or representing me on the witchcraft altar, (my
properties, my pictures, my clothes, my money, my name, any part of my body,
finger nails or my hair, in the air, on the earth, underneath the earth or in the
waters above or underneath, in river sand seas, at graveyards, road junctions,
before idols, in the covens or temple of satan), be destroyed by the Holy Ghost
fire, in the name of Jesus.
19. Every spiritual screen and radars, spiritual mirror, spiritual tape, spiritual camera,
spiritual satellites and all spiritual properties that satan has set against me to monitor me, be broken into pieces, in the name of Jesus.
20. I am a child of God and a member of the family of Jesus. Whoever touches me
touches the apple of God’s eye. No weapon formed against me shall by any means
prosper in my life, and any tongue that shall rise against me in judgement is
condemned and destroyed completely, in the name of Jesus.
21. I use this my picture, to prophesy upon my life, it shall be well with me. I will fulfil
my destiny. I will not die uncelebrated. I will not die unfulfilled. The power of
darkness will not defile my life. This I pray, in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus
Christ. Amen.