Nigeria News
Pastor Adeboye Reveals Why God Allowed Coronavirus

The General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), Pastor Enoch Adeboye, has said God allowed Coronavirus to plague the earth to prove to the world that he’s still God Almighty and in control of the whole earth.
Addressing members of RCCG, the popular cleric stated that God would remove the COVIS-19 disease after proving to the world that he is still supreme.
Daddy G.O. as he’s popularly called revealed that God told him that the whole world is going to be on compulsory holiday.
Adeboye said: “He told me loud and clear that this year, the whole world is going to be on compulsory holiday. I know the last time we got close to the world being on holiday. It was after 9-11. Remember there was this attack in America on the World Trade Center towers that all planes were grounded, at least around America.
“So, when he said the whole world is going to be on compulsory holiday, I thought maybe something like that is going to happen.
“But now, the compulsory holiday is here. You can see the major nations of the world locking down. The smaller nations are also going to be locked down. This is because nobody wants to travel by air because if you travel by air and there is just one person on that plane that is infected, they would look for you and put you on Quarantine.
“Compulsory holiday because my daddy says he wants to show the world that he is still the one in control. He wants to show those of us who think that we are someone that Heaven is still his throne and the whole earth, his foot stool. So, if you think that you are big, he has compelled you to seat down at home and not move at least for two weeks.
“The good news about this is that as soon as he has proved to the whole world that he can shut down the whole earth if he wants, then he would remove the plague.
“How long before that happens, I am sorry I can’t tell you but from the look of things, he is already achieving his purpose if he stops the plague now. The world by now should know that there is someone called the Almighty”.