World News
Assange Had Two Sons With His Lawyer When He Was At The Embassy Of Ecuador

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange had two children with one of his lawyers while he was a refugee at the Ecuadorian embassy in London in the 2010s, she reveals in an interview with Mail on Sunday.
The Australian, claimed by the United States who wants to try him for espionage, is the father of two boys of two and one year old conceived with Stella Morris, 37 years old, his lawyer of South African origin.
The British Sunday newspaper publishes on its site photos of Assange with his sons as well as an interview with Stella Morris telling in particular of having “fallen in love” with Julian Assange five years ago and that the couple plans to marry.
The lawyer chose to reveal the existence of the children, Gabriel and Max because she “fears that Assange’s life would be in danger if he remains in Belmarsh”, a London high-security prison where he is currently detained, due to the new coronavirus pandemic.
British justice refused at the end of March to release under judicial control Julian Assange, 48, who fears to contract the new coronavirus, estimating that there were “serious reasons to think” that he could not appear in the future convocations.
On Twitter, WikiLeaks said that the partner of Julian Assange, “mother of two young children, urges the government of the United Kingdom to release him and other fragile prisoners while the #coronavirus is wreaking havoc in prisons”.
Julian Assange and his lawyer started their relationship in 2015, the first boy would have been conceived the following year.
The Australian witnessed the birth in London of the two children by video link and was able to see the elder, Gabriel, in the embassy where he had been brought on the sly, added the newspaper. The two children are British citizens, according to the Mail on Sunday, and visited their father in prison.
British justice has suspended until May 18 the examination of the request for extradition of the founder of WikiLeaks, prosecuted in the United States for having diffused since 2010 more than 700,000 classified documents on the American military and diplomatic activities, especially in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The United States accuses him of endangering sources of American services. For their part, Assange’s lawyers denounce a political procedure based on “lies”.
Assange was arrested in April 2019 after seven years in solitary confinement at the Ecuadorian embassy in London, where he took refuge after violating the conditions of his bail, fearing extradition to the United States.