World News
Donlad Trump Stops Funding To World Health Organization

United States President Donald Trump has abruptly halted the funding to the World Health Organization as his administration reviews the organization’s method handling of the COVID- 19 Pandemic.
Speaking during a live press conference, Trump said he was instructing his administration to halt funding while “a review is conducted to assess the World Health Organization’s role in severely mismanaging and covering up the spread of the coronavirus.”
According to Trump, the WHO prevented transparency over the outbreak and the United States — the UN body’s biggest funder which provided $400 million last year — will now “discuss what to do with all that money that goes to the WHO.”
“With the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have deep concerns whether America’s generosity has been put to the best use possible.”
It will be recalled that The U.S. contributes more than any other country to WHO, at more than $400 million per year. Cutting off funds to the group, which has a $4.8 billion annual budget, will be a major blow to the organization as it conducts vaccine trials, distributes test kits and advises governments around the world.
The move drew swift blowback from the medical community, who said it would undercut global efforts to combat a disease that’s sickened nearly 2 million people worldwide and still has no proven cure or vaccine.
However, several social media activist have reacted to trump latest hit on WHO. According to some analyst online Trump administration also squandered time bought by the travel restrictions, failing to ramp up diagnostic testing and prepare the health care system for a surge in coronavirus patients.