World News
Another Pneumonia Disease Alert In Kazakhstan, Chinese Warns

Allegations by the Chinese government that the Kazakhstan has an unknown pneumonia outbreak more deadly than Covid-19 has been denied.
The Chinese Embassy in Kazakhstan had yesterday July 9, issued a warning to it’s citizens living in the country that there was an unknown pneumonia , which had killed more than 1,700 people.
The embassy further warned them to take preventive measures while in the country as the disease was more deadly than Covid-19.
“Kazakhstani Health Department and other agencies are conducting comparative research and have not defined the nature of the pneumonia virus,” the statement said.
“New cases of the unidentified pneumonia have been increasing significantly since mid-June across the country”, said the embassy, adding that in some places, authorities are reporting hundreds of new cases a day.
Kazakhstan has now denied China’s assertion that the pneumonia is unknown.
Releasing a statement today, the Kazakhstan health ministry acknowledged the presence of “viral pneumonias of unspecified etiology,” but noted that it wasnt new or unknown.
The statement added the “unspecified” pneumonia classification followed World Health Organization guidelines “for the registration of pneumonia when the coronavirus infection is diagnosed clinically or epidemiologically but is not confirmed by laboratory testing.”