Africa News
Malian Crisis: “ECOWAS Will Soon Decide What To Do”, Buhari

ECOWAS will decide how to deal with the socio-political situation in Mali in the next few days, President Muhammadu Buhari, said on Tuesday, July 21, 2020, at the State House, in Abuja.
The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) will become more involved in the crisis shaking Mali, in the coming days, to find a peaceful resolution. For the Nigerian head of state, Muhammadu Buhari, the heads of government of West African countries would decide what to do with the situation in Mali after being informed by the President of Niger, Mahammadou Issoufou.
“We will ask the President of Niger, who is the President of ECOWAS, to brief us as a group, and then we will know the way forward,” Buhari said after his closed-door meeting with former Goodluck Jonathan. president of Nigeria, and president of the commission dispatched by ECOWAS to Mali for political reconciliation.
Opposition rejects ECOWAS proposal
To resolve the Malian crisis, the ECOWAS mission recommended to the various actors involved in this situation a government of national unity. But this approach of the sub-regional organization was rejected by the opposition group.
In Mali, the demonstrations against the head of state, Ibrahim Boubacar Kéita, have gathered momentum after the latter has only spent two of the five years of his second term. M5, a resistance group in Mali, insists that the Constitutional Court be dissolved and that the president resign before peace can return to the country.