Nigeria News
Longest Serving Presidents In The World

Leadership is an act of directing people or groups, but the actions of some leaders have made them lose their followers due to their actions and styles of leadership.
Some world leaders are power-drunk and this has seen them rule their country for years without thought of handing over power to the next person.
Some have ruled for years with force with thoughts that no one can challenge their authority and whatever decree they give stands.
Such occasions have left people of such countries under bondages, as they can not experience a change of hands and change in the style of leadership.
Wealth tasted by some in their time as leaders of a country has hardened their mind to remain in power and not hand over, the thought of how the world will be for the next generation hardly concerns them, as they only think of their pocket.
Here is the list of the longest-serving presidents in the world.
1. Teodoro Obiang Nguema ruled as President of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea for 41 years but was thrown out of power in a coup by Fransisco Macias Nguema.
2. Paul Biya is the President of Cameroon and has ruled for 38 years.
3. Yoweri Museveni is the President of Uganda, he has ruled the country for 34 years.
4. Denis Sassou is the President of the Republic of Congo and has ruled the country for more than 30 years.
5. Idriss Deby is the President of Chad who has been in power since 1990. He has ruled for 30 years.