World News
#US Election Results: Trump React As Biden Takes Lead In Key States

United States President Donald Trump has once again faulted the lead by Joe Biden, the Democratic candidate, in the country’s presidential election.
He had earlier on Wednesday claimed a “big win” despite millions of uncounted votes.
Trump has suffered setbacks in key battleground states such as Wisconsin, Arizona, and Michigan.
In different tweets Wednesday evening, he claimed that “they are finding Biden all over the place”.
He tweeted, “They are working hard to make up 500,000 vote advantage in Pennsylvania disappear (sic) — ASAP. Likewise, Michigan and others!”
In another tweet, he said, “They are finding Biden votes all over the place — in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan. So bad for our Country!”
The president, who has often claimed that mail-in is prone to fraud, also wondered why mail-in ballot dumps are “devastating in their percentage and power of destruction”.
The republican nominee tweeted, “How come every time they count Mail-In ballot dumps they are so devastating in their percentage and power of destruction?”
As the 2020 Us election results are trickling in, it appears that President Trump who was leading initially had since been overthrown by Biden, a situation which the US President has frowned at, alleging that there might have been some manipulations of the results.
Biden, a former vice-president, has polled 238 electoral college votes ahead of Trump, incumbent and Republican nominee, who has polled 213 so far.
Also, Biden has secured 69,701,955 votes ahead of the president who has so far polled 67,140,462 in popular votes.