Nigeria News
#USElection: Biden Elected The 46th President Of The United States

The suspense has just ended. Democrat Joe Biden will become the 46th President of the United States, winning against Republican Donald Trump, who has been denied a second term.
It was Pennsylvania that officially gave the presidency to the Democratic Party, after it had already obtained a majority in the House of Representatives and the race for the Senate remains tight, with each side still having 48 seats.
After a good start on Tuesday night, Donald Trump saw the needle tilt more and more in favour of his Democratic opponent, who finally reached the magic number of 270 electoral college votes required to ascend to the presidency of the United States, Saturday morning.
Unlike Donald Trump in 2016, Joe Biden will in all likelihood win the popular vote, with 50.5% of the vote, compared to 47.8%.
All eyes had been riveted since Wednesday, at dawn, on Pennsylvania (20 votes), Georgia (16 votes), Arizona (11 votes) and Nevada (6 votes). As the count continued there, the tide turned in favour of Joe Biden due to the mail-in vote which was much more favoured by Democrats in this pandemic.
The defeated candidate, his sons, as well as his faithful from the Republican camp (Lindsey Graham, Ted Cruz, Kevin McCarthy, Newt Gingrich) for their part, continued to discredit the electoral process on Friday in a common avalanche of tweets.
“Where are the missing military ballots in Georgia? What happened to them?” Donald Trump wrote. “With these attacks by radical left Democrats on the Republican Senate, the presidency becomes even more important!“, He also launched.