GTBank, Shareholders to Hold a Meeting to Transfer Shares to Holding Company

A Federal High Court in Lagos has mandated Guaranty Trust Bank Plc and shareholders of the bank to convene a meeting on December 4, 2020, to discuss and transfer 29,431,179,224 ordinary shares of 50 Kobo each to Guaranty Trust Holding Company Plc.
According to the statement released by the bank, the transfer should be done in accordance with Section 715 of the Companies and Allied Matters Act, 2020.
The statement also reads “Pursuant to the Order, in the interest of public safety and having due regard to the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) COVID-19 Guidance for Safe Mass Gatherings in Nigeria, (and the restrictions on public gatherings by the Lagos State Government to a number of 50 (fifty) persons per gathering), only persons indicated as proxies on the Proxy Form would be allowed to attend the meeting physically. All other Shareholders would be required to attend the Meeting online and to vote at the Meeting through a proxy.
“In view of the foregoing, an order of the Court was sought and obtained for the Court-Ordered Meeting to be held by proxy.”
The lender also made provision for shareholders that can not attend. A proxy form would be sent to the registered email of shareholders and would also be made available at and
“It is requested that duly executed Proxy Forms (together with any Power of Attorney or other authority under which it is signed, or a notarised copy of such Power of Attorney or other authority) be lodged at the office of Datamax Registrars Limited, No. 2C, Gbagada Express Road, Gbagada Phase 1, Lagos State, Nigeria, not less than 24 hours before the time appointed for the Court-Ordered Meeting.
“Shareholders are encouraged to submit the duly completed Proxy Form on or before 10:00 a.m. on December 3, 2020.”