100 Topnotch Valentine Messages, SMS To Send To Your Spouse

Inarguably, the feast of the Saint which is better known as Valentine’s Day is one of the most celebrated events in the 21st century.
There is nothing as sweet as receiving or sharing love messages, quotes, texts with that very person our heart yearns for. Just like an alcoholic drink, love sometimes can cause someone to lose control of their faculties or behaviour. When it comes to love, a line of well-arranged words from a lover can trigger an unforgettable response from the receiver, which in turn could be something to hold unto forever.
On every February 14, lovers over the world take out their time to celebrate the event which originated as a Western Christian feast day honouring one or two early saints named Valentinus.
Naija News understands that the day is recognized as a significant cultural, religious, and commercial celebration of romance and romantic love in many regions around the world. Although it is not a public holiday in any country, the day never goes by without being celebrated.
Sending greeting cards and gifts, dating, church services and merriments at event centres are the happenings on this annual celebration, Naija News understands.
In this regard, this online news platform has decided to make a compilation of top best and most romantic valentine messages, texts and quotes for you.
Below are some Valentine messages you can send to your spouse to brighten his/her day:
- It’s been a long journey with you honey… yet I feel refreshed with love each moment I think about you.
- My dreams wouldn’t have been considered a fulfilled one if I have not met with you my darling.
- I will choose you always, love you always and cherish you always my love, happy valentine.
- What else can you offer me, dear? I already have you, the best partner I could ever ask for. Happy Valentine’s Day.
- You are my soulmate and the best friend I could ever ask for. Happy valentine love.
- You are my forever love and I’m so grateful you accept to be mine.
- I love the person you have become, I wouldn’t have asked for more. Love you, dear.
- You give my heart peace over and over again. I love you so much
- God took out time to make someone special as you, what else do I want? You and you always. Happy Valentine.
- We’ve loved through it all, and that’s what makes me so proud of who we have become.
- You have been such an amazing friend and a supportive girlfriend…more than I could ever deserve. Happy Valentine’s Day.
- There are thousands of reasons I love calling you Valentine, you are my all-time valentine.
- Being us is the best thing I’ll ever be.
- I’m so thankful God gave me you, that God gave me us. Happy Valentine love.
- I will never be tired of running marathons just to see that 24-carat smile of yours brightening your beautiful face. Happy Valentine’s Day Love!
- Your meekness and acts of love towards me each day is more reason I love you now and always. You’re my Valentine.
- We’re growing old together, yet our love keeps getting newer day by day, happy valentine honey.
- Your love is like the air because it is with me everywhere I go. Babe, thank you for filling the vacuum in my soul.
- These days, most people can’t remember a time when we weren’t us. That’s a sweet, sweet thing.
- From fledgeling lovebirds to salty old crows, It’s more beautiful to see us still together in that humour. Happy Valentine love.
- We’ve come thus far, through good times, rough spots and life’s joys and sorrows. It’s so much beauty to have tread this part with someone like you.
- My wish today is that this is the last Valentine’s Day you’ll spend as my girlfriend. Because I hope you’ll say yes to me and become the mother of my unborn children. I love you.
- When we kiss, I feel the excitement of being on a roller coaster or like the sky filled with fireworks on the fourth of July.
- Happy Valentine’s Day dear, I want to say a big thank you for making my life an adventure!
- Your charming look and reflection each time I sit in front of the mirror, your soft touch on my shoulder when I needed it the most…. these things are reasons I can’t love you less. Happy Valentine’s day love.
- You are indeed made of beauty inside and out. You are my forever my Valentine.
- The first time you touched me, I felt love, and even now, the feeling of anxiety and excitement remains the same when you come close to me.
- How can we grow old in love when you keep treating me this way. You are the best and I love you always. Happy Valentine Dear.
- I have always known you will make me feel this unique every day no matter how much old we grow. This is why I chose you, Happy Valentine’s Day.
- The love for you grows with every passing moment. You always know exactly how I feel, and you are still there to make me feel better. Love you my Valentine.
- As busy as we get, we need to be reminded that we are still sweethearts. Happy Valentine’s Day.
- Year after years you have proven yourself worthy of a good woman. That’s why I would never withdraw my love from you. Happy Valentine’s Day, My Love!
- Sweetheart, on this special day, I want you to know that for as long as the universe exists, my love for you will never perish. Have a truly fantastic Valentine’s Day.
- To me, your love is as precious as the oxygen I breathe because I wouldn’t be able to survive on this planet without it. Simply put, I can’t live without you in my life.
- I do hope that after this day we will not spend valentine together again as boyfriend and girlfriend. Because I will like to ask now, Will you marry me?
- There is so much love for us to share. This is our time to fall in love again with each other – Happy Valentine dear.
- If I could reach up and hold a star for every time you’ve made me smile, the entire evening sky would be in the palm of my hand. You remain my Valentine.
- This fire that we call Loving is too strong for human minds. But just right for human souls
- Each time you love, love as deeply as if it were forever – Happy Valentine’s Day
- Thank you for choosing to be my valentine, I won’t let this die so soon. Love you, dear.
- It is my desire to always have you by my side, the warmness you always give me is nothing I can explain. I will always love you. Happy Valentine’s Day Love.
- Love is something eternal; the aspect may change, but not the essence – Happy Valentine’s Day Dear!
- A true lover always feels in debt to the one he loves – Happy Valentine
- Thank you for treading with me in this part of life, I have found so much joy being with you. Happy Valentine’s Dear.
- We have had many sweet yesterdays and I know we have bright tomorrows too! – Happy Valentine Love
- Great love awakens us to the fullness of life. Great love shapes us. When we embrace love the world appears brighter and even our foods taste better when we love – Happy Valentine Love
- Just letting you know how much I love and cherish you and am so lucky to have my white knight in my life! As time goes on, nothing is sweeter and more precious than the love I have for you. I am the luckiest woman in the world! Happy Valentine’s!
- To my hunky Valentine, you make my heart flutter and my pulse race. I love you, you sexy man, you. You are my one and only Valentine and I could not think of anyone better to spend it with. I want you to be mine today, on Valentine’s Day, but also tomorrow and forever. Baby, won’t you be my loving Valentine? I love you.
- There is no Valentine’s Day card that can perfectly say just how much you mean to me. You are my sweetheart and I love you. This is just the beginning of how you fill my heart.
- To my white knight on Valentine’s Day, I never knew that someone like you even existed but thank you for taking my heart and filling it up with love. Happy Val.
- This Valentine’s Day, the only thing that looks good on you is me. I heart you, dear. I love you, baby, not just on Valentine’s Day but every single day. Happy Val.
- You wipe away tears and hold me when I have fear. You are everything I need, my Valentine beauty.
- On every Valentine day, I think of one thing, the day I met you. Inarguably you have affected my life positively. I Love you always.
- Who knew that an imaginary flying baby in a diaper with a bow and arrow could be so spot on? I love you and Cupid with perfect aim. Happy Val.
- Even if I was not your first kiss, date, love or Valentine, I want to be your last and only from here on until the end of time.
- Cupid’s shot was right on target for my Valentine and I am so lucky to spend it with you!
- You hold the key to my heart and my heart is completely locked away because it is all yours.
- Valentine, you are the whole reason I celebrate this day and every other day is filled with love and joy too.
- I love you more than porcupines have needles and that seems to be a lot.
- When I think about you, I am at my happiest and Valentine’s Day is just a reminder of the steps it took to find this love and as a reminder of what the future beholds.
- Its another valentine and I again I want to reassure you of my unending love for you sweetheart. Happy Lover’s Day.
- My past was empty without you and my now is today, Valentine’s Day, and I know that my future is full. It is full of love, excitement, and everything that means the world to me.
- To the sweetest man on earth, thank you for being you and showing me what true love means on Valentine’s Day and every other day of the year for many years to come.
- I write to you again on this day of Valentine that I Love you. My life would be incomplete without you. Happy Valentine.
- To my wife, Happy Valentine’s Day. I love you for everything you do for me, but especially for the things, you don’t do. I love my valentine’s babe.
- Thank you for loving me for me, for being my partner in crime and progress, I love you so much, my love.
- A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person. I love you to the moon and back. Happy Val.
- Happy Valentine’s Day to my wife, the love of my life. You have stood by me through good times and bad, and I am eternally grateful for your love and devotion. Here’s to many more amazing years together.
- I’ve stressed myself making plans about how I’m going to spend this Valentine’s day but I realized that the magic of true contentment is not in what we do or where we go.
- It’s right here in staying with you… on this Valentine’s day and every other day. Happy Valentine’s, babe.
- I need no special days to love you differently. I need no special moments to hold you closer or kiss you deeper. I love you, dear.
- But it’s Valentine’s and I couldn’t let this magic fade without riding on it to tell you how much difference you make in my world… how much brightness your smiles have lit my heart with and how much I really, truly love you.
- Happy Valentine’s day, Queen, you will forever remain my only queen.
- The spaces between my fingers are where yours fit perfectly. I love you, happy Val.
- So on this Valentine’s day and every day after, I’ll have your hands in mine to remind you of how far I want to walk with you and how long I want to be with you…
- I’ll be holding you when your dreams are still dreams. I’ll be there to hold you when you hold our little baby in your arms and I hope to still be the one holding you when we’re old and grey… and when we shall both sleep and no longer dream.
- I’m unable to lower the stars for you, climb the highest mountain, or give you the world. However, there is one thing I can give you and that is my undying love.
- You put the “Valentine” on Valentine’s Day and without you, this special day would not mean anything to me. I love you, baby.
- “I fell in love the way you fall asleep; slowly, and then all at once.” -John Green
- “You are the brightest star, and I’m in love with who you are.” -White Lines & Red Lights
- “You are the person I never knew how to write, and this life is the story I have always wanted to tell.” -Tyler Knott Gregson
- “Unless you love someone, nothing else makes sense.” -E.E. Cummings
- “You are what I never knew I always wanted.” -Fools Rush in
- “For love, I’d do anything. For you, I’d do more.” -Anonymous
- The only wish I have on Valentine’s Day is to be with you and only you for this day and every Valentine’s Day from here until forever.
- I do not have to worry again about my soul keeper, I already found one in you. Happy Valentine’s Day sweetheart.
- You are the keeper of my heart and soul and I entrust you this Valentine’s Day to continue to hold it safely.
- You are the sweetest gift from God to me, I love you more than words can describe.
- Happy Valentine’s Day to my tough manly man who still sometimes cries in sad movies. I love everything about you!
- When my heart thinks of you on this Valentine’s Day, I can’t think in just words or thoughts. It is more like my heart sings a tune like no other ever has heard.
- The way that you love me every day is mesmerizing and you inspire me to love with all of my soul on this Valentine’s Day.
- If I could ask for more, I will ask God to again join us in the next world as lovers. I Love You Always
- You are the beat to my heart and I am looking forward to spending the holiday of love with you!
- I had been single long enough that Valentine’s Day was just another day but today, it is now a reminder to show you just how much I love you and how much you mean to me.
- I am so okay with all the time we have spent together. It would have been boring with another person, you are my true love.
- Happy Valentine’s Day from the lucky girl who loves loving you!
- How can you tell the rain not to fall when the cloud exist? How can you tell the leaves not to fall when wind exist? How can you tell me not to fall in LOVE when you exist? Your love is undeniable.
- Some joy is better expressed in silence. A smile makes more meaning than laughter, I was asked if I enjoyed knowing you…..I just smile. Miss you, my love. Happy valentine’s Day
- When I woke up this morning, I found out that there is no one like you. My love for you is like an ocean that goes down so deep. My love for you will remain forever.
- The way you wake me up and hold me in your arms every morning makes for a great start to my day, I know this won’t stop now, I need more even now and always. Happy valentine dear.
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