Twitter Verification Is Back, Here Is How To Verify Your Account With Blue Badge

After three years of suspension, Twitter verification is back. The micro-blogging platform now allows its users to request a verification badge to certify their identity.
A blue badge on Twitter means that an account is verified. It attests to the true identity of the person or entity it represents. The badge “allows people on Twitter to know better those with whom they are chatting and to determine if they are trustworthy, which, according to our research, promotes more serene and more informed conversations”, explains the social network in a press release.
Twitter now has nearly 360,000 verified profiles. Criticized in the past for the opacity of the verification process, which it had itself considered too confusing, the platform now wishes to be more transparent. Teams were mobilized to study the applications and check on a case-by-case basis whether the evidence provided made it possible to obtain the precious blue dot.
How to apply for a blue badge?
Since Thursday, non-verified users can apply from their profile settings provided they meet a set of criteria. First of them: it must be part of one of the seven categories identified by the social network: government; companies, brands, and organisations; news organisations and journalists; entertainment; sports and gaming; activists, organisers, and other influential individuals. Other categories will be added in the future for scientists and religious leaders, the platform says.
Three methods are available to authenticate your identity:
– providing a link to an official website referring to oneself or their organization and their Twitter account;
– provide a photo or an official identity document (passport, license, identity card);
– provide an official email address whose domain corresponds to the chosen notable category.
Criteria specific to each account category
But this is not enough. Twitter intends only to check the accounts notable, that is to say, influential people in their field, whose tweets are public and associated entities was a reference in their fields.
For example, for the verification of a political account to be possible, there must be a public reference to the account on an official publication or website or several references in the news media. In the “press” category
Independent journalists have the possibility of being verified if they can provide at least three signed articles in publications that meet the criteria, i.e. newspapers, magazines, networks, channels, stations adhering to professional ethics charters recognized journalism.
In the “entertainment” category, individual accounts of artists, performers, directors and other persons known to the public can apply if their website is linked to a verified entity or public source and they have at least 50 credits. production on their IMDB profile or three media references. All the criteria for each category are set out at this address.
Finally, the ultimate condition posed by Twitter is that the request emanates from a complete profile that is protected by two-factor authentication which has never been the subject of a suspension and which has logged in during the last six months. . This means, that an account that has been suspended one day after hateful or unauthorized tweets by the platform will never be able to receive the blue badge.