Tokyo Olympics: Weightlifter Julius Ssekitoleko Returns To Uganda

End of the Olympic dream for Ugandan athlete Julius Ssekitoleko.
From Japan, he arrived at Entebbe airport on Thursday where he was received by Ugandan officials.
The 20-year-old weightlifter who fled during pre-Olympic training in western Japan last week is back in Uganda, without even being able to participate in an official match.
He had left a note saying he wanted to stay in Japan and work there.
“Julius is not doing well. It was all a struggle. He wrestled a lot and he had worked a lot to get to the Olympics. He had to train, he had to look for money, he left me with nothing. . He thought that by moving over there (to Japan) he was going to make a good life for our family and we had high expectations of him.” Desire Nampewo, the athlete’s wife, revealed.
A Member of the Ugandan delegation made up of eight other athletes, Julius Ssekitoleko, arrived in Japan in mid-June.
He had recently won the bronze medal at the African weightlifting championship but was on the waiting list for the Olympics, he had lost all hope of participating due to Olympic quotas.
“We will, as a department of education and sports, discipline him in a sporting way, as you can see, during a match, when a player receives a red card or is prevented from playing. play for two more games, that’s what we’re going to do. Then other businesses affecting other ministries, they will do what they need, but we will help him, we will advise him and we will make sure that he knows he did wrong.” said the Reverand Chanoine, Duncan Mugumya, commissioner and physical planning and sports, Ministry of Education and Sports.
The Ugandan government insists its action violated the code of conduct, which every team member has pledged to abide by.
End of the Olympic dream for Ugandan athlete Julius Ssekitoleko.
From Japan, he arrived at Entebbe airport on Thursday where he was received by Ugandan officials.
The 20-year-old weightlifter who fled during pre-Olympic training in western Japan last week is back in Uganda, without even being able to participate in an official match.
He had left a note saying he wanted to stay in Japan and work there.
“Julius is not doing well. It was all a struggle. He wrestled a lot and he had worked a lot to get to the Olympics. He had to train, he had to look for money, he left me with nothing. . He thought that by moving over there (to Japan) he was going to make a good life for our family and we had high expectations of him. ” Desire Nampewo, the athlete’s wife, revealed.
Member of the Ugandan delegation made up of eight other athletes, Julius Ssekitoleko, arrived in Japan in mid-June.
He had recently won the bronze medal at the African weightlifting championship but was on the waiting list for the Olympics, he had lost all hope of participating due to Olympic quotas.
_ “We will, as a department of education and sports, discipline him in a sporting way, as you can see, during a match, when a player receives a red card or is prevented from playing. play for two more games, that’s what we’re going to do. Then other business affecting other ministries, they will do what they need, but we will help him, we will advise him and we will make sure that he knows he did wrong. ” _ said the Reverand Chanoine, Duncan Mugumya, commissioner and physical planning and sports, Ministry of Education and Sports.
The Ugandan government insists its action violated the code of conduct, which every team member has pledged to abide by.