Baby Who Started Menstruating At Four Months Declared Cancer-free At Age Two

A baby who started menstruating at the age of four months has survived a unique ovarian cancer at age two.
Faustine Andeso, Baby Bibian’s mother told The Standard at their Likuyani home in Kakamega County, Kenya, that her daughter began menstruating at four months old.
Before it began, she revealed that Bibian started exhibiting symptoms of a girl about to begin puberty. She started having acne, pubic hairs and her breasts became fuller. When she took her to the hospital Bibian was treated for blood infection and was given antibiotics, but the next month the same thing happened again and she bled for five days as she had the first time.
Andeso said she started moving from hospital to hospital to find a cure for her child’s condition.
Her husband left her in the midst of the problem and she began to run into debts
In December 2019, while visiting her mother, Bibian’s grandmother noticed that Bibian was bloated and she advised her daughter to take her grand-child to the hospital.
“At some point, my mother was bathing Bibian and she noticed that the girl was bloated. She advised me to take her to hospital. I attributed the bloating to her big body because I am also big bodied,” Faustine says.
They went to Likuyani Sub-County Hospital, Kenya, and Faustine baby was treated for bloating and indigestion but her symptom got worse and Faustine said her daughter had no appetite, could not stomach food and was breathing heavily.
She was later referred to Moi Teaching and Referral hospital where another set of test was carried on the child and it was discovered that she had a rare kind of cancer known as sex cord stromal tumour.
Elly Odongo, the lead doctor said: “Bibian’s case was brought to my attention in early 2020. From tests, the girl had a type of ovarian cancer known as sex cord stromal tumour.”
Odongo and her team finally operated on the patient and removed the tumors. The operation was followed by a round of chemotherapy. Now at age two Bibian has finally been declared cancer free.