Nigeria News
UK Newspapers Daily Front Pages Review | Friday, 15 October, 2021

Naija News looks at the top happenings making headlines on the front pages of newspapers in the United Kingdom today Friday, 15 October 2021.
The Times says China’s President, Xi may not attendnext months climate conference COP26.
The Guardian reports that experts have warned that the NHS could see an exodus of family doctors if they are forced to see patients face-to-face.
‘It’s irritating when they talk and don’t do’: the Queen of England slams work leaders over climate crisis, Daily Mail reports
Miracle Drugs Statins, Daily Express reports, have been found to cut the risk of dying from COVID-19.
According to The Daily Telegraph, Unions have been accused of holding Christmas hostage by threatening a possible biggest lorry strike since 1979.
Daily Star continues to poke fun at UK PM Boris Johnson over his holiday in Spain.
In a bid to address the shortage of abattoir workers in Britain, the UK will offer visas to some 800 meat workers from the EU to help the Kingdoms pork industry, METRO reports.
Thank you for reading, that all for today, see you again tomorrow for a review of UK newspapers.