50 Prayer Points For The New Year

Pray these prayers as you journey through an unknown year with God’s guidance in all your path
1). Oh Lord, whatsoever my hand findeth to do this new year I shall prosper in Jesus name.
2). Father, from the beginning of this year to the end, let your eyes of protection be always on me and my entire household in Jesus name.
3). Oh Lord, prosper me this new year on a monthly basis in Jesus name.
4). Oh Lord, crown this year (mention the year) with your goodness and let this year drip with fatness for me in Jesus name.
5). Oh Lord, before this year runs out, let me invite people to come and see your goodness in my life in Jesus name.
6). Oh Lord, from this month onward, let my work/business grow on its own. Put my work/business in auto-drive of a breakthrough in Jesus name.
7) This year (mention year) is my work/business year of supernatural favour in Jesus name.
8). This year (mention year) is the year of my showers of blessings in Jesus name.
9). I prophesy today, that every area where I failed last year I shall succeed supernaturally this year in Jesus name.
10). I declare that no man/woman shall stand against me successfully all through this year in Jesus name.
11). This year (mention the year), I shall not be the victim of any economic downturn in the name of Jesus.
12). I prophesy today that all those who are planning my downfall this year will be put to perpetual shame in Jesus name.
13). All organizations or company that promote rebellion against God shall fold up this year (mention year) and the name of Jesus Christ
14). This year (mention year) hear the word of the Lord, it is a year of divine protection for me and my entire household.
15). Throughout this year (mention year), my Church (mention church) shall assemble in peace, love, fellowship and brotherliness in Jesus name.
16). Father, I thank you for this year ( mention year) shall be better than last year for me and my family in Jesus Name.
17. Behold I shall do a new thing this year; I shall be celebrated all over the world because I believe in Christ.
18. I shall leave my sinful life to embrace a new beginning full of a love of God, devotion, righteousness, and salvation.
19. I will be faithful to the Lord, my heart shall not wander about sins again; my life will become a new testimony to man kinds.
20. I shall not dwell in poverty again because this year will mark the beginning of new success in my life. I shall smile for the love of God.
21. No matter what has happened in my life; my portion shall not suicide. I will stand by the Lord and wait until His help come to me.
22. All my hand-work and job may have been shattered, but I will not lose hope in God for He is my Lord and shall not forsake me.
23. Remember the story of Abraham; his wife could not give birth until old age. There is nothing that can stop you from achieving your dream if you have faith in God.
24. Remember that, as long as there is life; there is hope. Keep your faith in God, He will come to your rescue when you least expect Him.
25. In as much as God remain the same all the time; I will make it this year. He has always been with me since these years; He shall lift me up this time.
26. I believe that I shall not die until I achieve what the Lord has destined for me; I shall be happier this year than ever.
27. You will be stronger when you put all your hope on God. He shall bless you with what you don’t expect at all. This year will be different because your case shall differ.
28. Many predicaments might have occurred in your life making you depressed all the time; don’t give up, remember, many are out there in the worst situation. Pray to God for a new beginning.
29. I have talked to God about my life situation; He will take care of me, it is my belief because I have maximum confidence in the Lord.
30. O Lord, plant new beginning in my life this year; let me harvest lots of success that will put an endless smile on my face.
31. Lord, this year my prayer point is for you to uproot every evil thing in my life. Let me think straight to make the right decisions.
32. This year, I cancel every evil act that pushes me away from the mercy of the Lord; I praise Him for He shall do new things in my life.
33. Lord as this year begins; make me your sword to crush evil things out of my life; bless me with the shower of your mercy.
34. Lord, I call upon you to paralyze every spiritual soldier working against my life; protect me against their evil acts.
35. Every spells cast upon me to hinder my greatness in life; Lord begins to destroy them any moment from now to clear my way to success.
36. Lord, let your Spirit lead and direct me each step I take this New Year 2021. Help me, Lord in my decisions and all I desire this year in the name of Jesus.
37. Father, I ask that you open doors of breakthroughs for me this 2021 and cause me to see open doors in all I do!
38. I ask for help, Lord, to be able to achieve all that I desire and wish for this 2021. Help me, father, to make my dreams reality this new year.
39. I pray, Dear God, that every door that was shut against me before, will in 2021, become open even as I receive divine help from every part of the world.
40. Lord, I ask that your wisdom will continually abide and dwell in me in a greater dimension in 2021.
41. Let my heart receive courage to face every situation that I may encounter this New Year in the name of Jesus.
42. Dear Lord, endue me with abilities, skills and wisdom, which come from above so that my life would bring honour to your name in 2021 and beyond.
43. In this New Year, Dear Lord, I commit my ways into your hands. Deliver me from every snare and entrapment of the evil one.
44. My most heavenly father, keep me healthy and strong so I can serve you the more this New Year 2021.
45. Almighty Father, I pray this New Year that fear of what tomorrow holds will not take captive of my mind.
46. Keep the “fire” for your work burning in my heart, much more that it was before, in the New Year 2021.
47. My unfailing God, I ask for strength not to go weary or wax cold especially when the journey becomes difficult.
48. Father, prosper the works of my hand this new year 2021. Let everything I lay my hands on receive immeasurable success. (bless the works of my hands).
49. May your favour go before and after me in 2021 in the name of Jesus.
50. I shall be celebrated and my name mentioned for good all through 2021 and many more years to come.
Please note that the prayer points contained in this article were not originally compiled by this author but were edited where necessary.