BRT Driver Admits ‘Doing Something Dirty’ With Bamise Ayanwole (Video)

A video has emerged online where Nice Andrew, the driver of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), where Oluwabamise Ayanwole was abducted and murdered, confessed to his involvement in the sad incident.
The latest video spotted online contradicts the earlier statement he made regarding the death of Bamise during an interview with TVC.
Andrew after his arrest on Monday had denied being responsible for the death of the 22-year-old fashion designer.
The BRT driver had claimed that the bus was hijacked at gunpoint by some unknown individuals.
He further stated that the gunmen forced him to keep driving and later dumped Bamise’s lifeless body on the bridge where she was later found.
However, in a new video, Andrew disclosed that Bamise forced herself out of the bus through the back door and he was afraid to report the case because of the dirty acts he has done.
Watch the video below: