Dollar to Naira Exchange Rates
Black Market Dollar To Naira Exchange Rate Today 20 April 2022
What is the Dollar to Naira Exchange rate at the black market also known as the parallel market (Aboki fx). See the black market Dollar to Naira exchange rate for 19th April, 2022 below. You can swap your dollar to Naira at these rates.
How much is dollar to naira today in black market?
Dollar to naira exchange rate today black market (Aboki dollar rate):
The exchange rate for a dollar to naira at Lagos Parallel Market (Black Market) players buy a dollar for N570 and sell at N589 on Tuesday, April 19th 2022, according to sources at Bureau De Change (BDC).
Please note that the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) does not recognize the parallel market (black market), as it has directed individuals who want to engage in Forex to approach their respective banks.
Dollar to Naira Black Market Rate Today
Dollar to Naira (USD to NGN) | Black Market Exchange Rate Today |
Buying Rate | 570 |
Selling Rate | 589 |
Please note that the rates you buy or sell forex may be different from what is captured in this article because prices varies.
Vandalism, Others Push Oil Firms’ Bank Borrowing To N5.68tn
The debt of oil firms operating in the downstream and upstream subsectors of the Nigerian oil and gas industry increased from ₦5.19tn in January 2021 to ₦5.68tn in December 2021.
It was gathered that operators in the oil sector borrowed ₦290bn from Nigerian banks in 2021 amid the significant rise in global crude oil prices.
According to the data released by the Central Bank of Nigeria, the debt of companies in the oil and gas sector increased to ₦4.21tn in December from ₦3.92tn in January 2021.
The data revealed that operators in the upstream and services subsectors owed banks ₦1.47tn in December, an increase of ₦200bn from ₦1.27tn in January 2021.
As of December 2021, oil and gas operators’ debt stood at ₦5.68tn, which represents 23.3 per cent of the ₦24.38tn loans advanced to the private sector by the nation’s banks, according to the sectoral deposit money banks’ credit by the CBN.