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Actress Ini Dima-Okojie’s Fiancée Opens Up On Being A Divorcee With Children

Abasi Eneobong, the fiancee of Nollywood actress Ini Dima-Okojie, has confirmed reports of being a divorcee with two children.
This comes a few hours after Ini Dima-Okojie was called out for allegedly snatching Abasi Eneobong from his wife, who had invested so much in him.
In a lengthy post shared on his Instagram page, Abasi Eneobong confirmed he was married for eight years, and the union produced two lovely girls but filed for a divorce in 2018.
Abasi Eneobong, who got married at age 26, said he made many mistakes and struggled with bouts of depression and requesting divorce was one of the most challenging things he ever did, but it was for his survival.
He said: “Todays post is about 2nd chances. Today is the last day of the last month of me being single as I marry my baby next month. I was married before and have 2 girls (I used to post about my girls but as more eyes came to my page I stopped because as a father, protecting is my job). After 8 years of marriage (I got married at 26) we filed for a divorce in 2018.
“We were young and made mistakes and I had struggled with bouts of depression. 2018 was my toughest year ever! Requesting a divorce was one of the toughest things I ever did but it was about survival. I am not accusing anyone… just speaking about my own struggles as a human being. Suffice it to say that my life has been the stuff you read about in books and I kept it all inside. Only those in my inner circle know my story and perhaps one day I might write about it”.
Speaking on his relationship with Ini Dima-Okojie, Abasi Eneobong said he had never thought of remarrying because he was wounded and hurt.
However, he reached out to Ini Dima-Okojie after he commenced his divorce but never met her in person until 2019.
Abasi Eneobong also revealed how he struggled to keep up with Ini Dima-Okojie to avoid making the same mistake in his first marriage.
He said: “Now back to 2nd chances. Coming out of my earlier situation I never believed that I would remarry. I was wounded and hurt. I first reached out to Ini after we had commenced our divorce process via DM (we all know that story) but never met her in person till sometime in 2019. We started talking as friends and eventually started dating in the second half of 2019. (I remember when I told her about the circumstances of my divorce, her response was “that’s your version but I’m sure there’s another version that’s equally true”). But wounded people wound people. And every time I saw we would get close I would end the relationship because I was afraid of committing.
“Yet when I was away from her I couldn’t function. This happened a few times and ultimately I had to seek professional help with a clinical psychologist to deal with my past trauma. What became clear to me was that she was my 2nd chance that I never thought I deserved. And I always functioned better whenever she was in my life.
“Well maybe I’m sharing too much, but I have now received a lot of healing and continue to be healed. And as the good book says, “love covers a multitude of sins”, and her love for sure is healing me daily. Ini I am looking forward to saying “I do” in a few weeks time. Thanks for the second chance.”