ASUU Strike: Heartbreaking Story Of Lady Who Got Admission To Study In America But Died In Owo Massacre

Nigerian comedian cum actor Bovi has shared a touching story of a lady who had secured admission to study history in America but died in the gruesome Catholic Church attack in Owo, Ondo State.
In the lengthy post on Instagram, Bovi narrated how the lady, identified as Jumoke opted to study abroad over the ASUU strike which has lingered for over three months now.
From the conversation, Jumoke laments the negative effect of the strike and how her life timetable has consistently been altered by the faulty system of education in Nigeria.
However, during the phone conversation, Jumoke’s mother interrupted when she called her to prepare for the church service where she met her untimely death.
The post read: “Jumoke had been home for three months due to the Asuu strike. That Sunday morning, she got a call from her best friend and classmate, Tinuke. “My application has been accepted. I’m going to study history in America”, Tinuke screamed through the pores of jumokes AirPods.”
“First, she smiled, then she froze then smiled again, then let out an abrupt laughter of appreciation laced with doubt, loneliness, sadness and every other damp emotion her body could conjure . “You don’t seem happy for me”, Tinuke searched. “No no no I am. It’s just…. Tinu I miss you already. Plus I’m sure the strike will soon be over.”
“Why travel to start again? By the time you’re graduating, I would have worked for 3 years already”. This was Jumoke’s last ditch effort to convince Tinuke to abandon her plans to abandon school in nigeria and start all over again abroad.”
“My darling, three months ago you said this strike will not last. Here we are. If it was a pregnancy, the first trimester is over. Do you know our friends who are in private unis have graduated? They’re now our seniors. My dear, the system is faulty. Let me go to where my life timetable will not be altered by strike. It’s better to start again. This country is serving us repeated breakfast and We are still young. You should be thinking of joining me.” This was Tinuke’s counter pitch”
“The girls would go on to laugh, gist and cry, and laugh again! Their call seemed endless until Jumoke’s mom barged into her room and yelled with an unmistakable Yoruba accent “get ready for church. I don’t want to hear any excuses today. We must go to church. You need prayers, your family needs prayers. Your country needs prayers!” She left leaving Jumoke’s room door ajar as a sign to let her know she was expected outside in a few minutes.”
“Jumoke sighed deeply. An eerie silence screamed between the two of them. “You have to go yeah”, tinuke offered.”
“I’m tired tinuke. I guess this is goodbye.”
“Goodbye Jumoke. I love you”
“Goodbye tinuke. I will always love you”
“And that’s how Jumoke went to church. It was indeed her last goodbye.”