‘He Beats Her Like ‘An Animal’ – Osinachi’s Mother Opens Can Of Worms

Osinachi Nwachukwu’s mother, Caroline Madu (61) and sister, Favor have asked the High Court sitting to serve justice against her husband, Peter, following her death on April 8.
Madu was announced as the prosecution’s first witness on Monday in the alleged homicide and domestic violence related case.
According to Caroline, she came to explain what Peter did to her daughter, Osinachi, adding that the last time she saw her daughter was about a year ago.
She maintained that Peter came and stole her daughter, claiming “he was an evangelist.”
” After then, he suffered my child.
“He used to beat my child. When she was pregnant, he used to beat her, I was begging her to come and see me.
“Peter said to my daughter, if she did not go alive, she will go in death. When she said it, I said it is better to come back alive. I sent my other daughter, Favor Madu to go and bring her.
“When she brought her back, she stayed a year and three months. Her husband came to look for her again alongside with pastors and was begging for Osinachi to follow him back.”
Madu also admitted that Osinachi decided to return to her husband despite the alleged maltreatment.
“Osinachi replied me that what God has joined together, let no man put asunder.
“When my daughter went back, her husband started maltreating her the way he used to, and my daughter was ashamed to tell me.
“What hurt me most is, when she gave birth to the third child, she started calling me again, that she was lacking what to eat.
“When she called, I told my last child, Chibuzor to go and visit her; before he traveled, I went to a market in Enugu to go and buy foodstuffs.
“My son, Chibuzor stayed there for four days and he started crying that the inlaw is disturbing him but I begged him to stay for one week and help his sister.”
Madu, who testified in tears, said Peter poured water on her son for washing the children’s clothes and warned him not to touch the children’s cloth.
She added that Osinachi went around the country singing gospel, but she lacked money because all honorarium went to her husband’s bank account.
“My daughter got married to her husband 14 years ago and gave birth to four children.”
But the defendant counsel, A.I Aliyu raised objection arguing that the prosecution is asking a “leading question” meaning the responses should be direct since it was examination in chief.