Dollar to Naira Exchange Rates
Aboki Rate: Latest US Dollar To Naira Black Market Rates Today, 5 August 2022

What is the Dollar to Naira Exchange rate at, offical CBN rate, aboki fx and the black market. How much is the Dollar to Naira exchange rate today, 4th August 2022? You convert your dollar to Naira at these rates, or you convert your dollar to Naira at the most recent, official CBN rate, black market or parallel market rate.
How Much Is Dollar To Naira Exchange Rate Today Official Rate?
The official rate today, Thursday August 4th 2022, for $1 dollar to naira = ₦428.33/$1.
According to the data obtained from the FMDQ, where Naira is traded officially, the exchange rate between the naira and the US dollar opened at ₦428.33/$1 on Thursday 4th August, and closed at ₦428.12 to a $1.
US Dollar to Naira Black Market Rate Today, 4th August 2022
Dollar to Naira (USD to NGN) | Black Market Exchange Rate Today |
Buying Rate | 630 |
Selling Rate | 705 |
Naija News reports that the US dollar to naira exchange rate changes hourly. The exchange rate fluctuates depending on the volume of dollars available and demand for it. This means the exchange rate you buy and sell the dollar could be different hours later (high or low).
Factors that could Influence Foreign Exchange Rates in Nigeria
- Conditions of Trade
- Speculators
- Government Debt
- Interest Rates
- Inflation Rates
Bureau De Change operators have cited a lack of FX and a surge in demand for the recent uncontrolled uptrend recorded in the market. In the same vein, some bank users who have FX in their domiciliary account told Nairametrics that they have not been able to withdraw their funds from the bank due to tightened liquidity.
Nigeria’s Budget Deficit Hits N30.58tn In Seven Years
In the last seven years, the budget deficit in Nigeria has risen to at least N30.58 trillion.
This was revealed in the data released concerning the implementation reports for the third and fourth quarters of 2015; the four quarters of 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020; the first three quarters of 2021; and the first four months of 2022.
According to Investopedia, a budget deficit occurs when expenses exceed revenue.
An analysis of the reports on the Budget Office of Nigeria’s website revealed that Buhari’s administration had spent at least N54.98tn on budget implementation since its inception but has only financed this spending with N24.39tn, leaving a deficit of N30.58tn.
A breakdown of some of the expenses revealed that the present administration had spent at least N23.66tn on personnel costs, pensions, overhead costs, presidential amnesty programme, other service-wide votes, and special interventions.
A minimum of N14.13tn has been spent servicing domestic and foreign debts, and at least N10.47tn has been spent on capital expenditure.