‘Two Top Pastors, Gospel Generals Will Die This Year’ – Says Iginla In 2023 Prophecies

Nigerian televangelist and shepherd in charge of Champions Royal Assembly, Abuja, Prophet Joshua Iginla, has rolled out fresh prophetic insights into the year 2023.
In the prophecies which encompass Nigeria in particular and the world at large, Iginla noted that he saw two gospel generals (preachers/pastors) dying this year, Naija News reports.
The renowned preacher said the event is nothing to worry about as the event is not an attack, but the individuals would be ‘taken home’.
Prophet Iginla also spoke deeply about events before, during and after the forthcoming 2023 election in Nigeria, especially about the political gladiators and other notable countries across the globe.
He said: “My spirit was worried in December and the Holy Spirit took me on a journey in the spirit.
“I was in a deep dream, and an angel dragged me out in the dream and asked me to look up into the sky, and when I did, I saw Information that looks like moonlight and later look like a rainbow and saw an angel around the circle. I saw a mighty trumpet, and I was gripped with a terrible fear.
“I saw a hand and knew someone was about to blow the trumpet. The angel spoke to me that the earth needs to cry for mercy because the end is here. The earth will continue to witness unforeseen circumstances that will be mysterious. My first prophetic word is that the master prepares to return and take his own.
“The Lord will take some away earlier than expected. It’s not a storm or attack. He will visit the mighty of the mighty. It’s not the rapture.
“I saw two Generals of the Gospel being taken home this year. It’s not an attack,” the Prophet noted.
Iginla noted that more scandals will rock some pastors, adding that some will be self-inflicted and some manipulated by the enemies.
He, however, spoke positively about the Christian community generally, saying that globally, the church of God will wax stronger.
“There shall be a revival of the word of truth in churches,” Iginla said.
He added: “There will be a new set of kingdom ministers, both males and females, across the globe. He will raise unknown ministers whose rising will swallow others.
“Politically, God will also raise up nobody that will swallow the bigger ones.”
Prophecy About Africa
In his prophecies, Iginla urged African countries to pray against attacks on their democracy. According to him, he saw military interventions in most African counties between now and 2028.
“We should pray that our democracy should not be truncated,” Iginla said.
Another Epidemic Will Surface
According to the Nigerian prophet, the world should expect another epidemic between 2023 and 2026. He said, however, that the epidemic would not last.
“It will shake the system because they are signs of the end time. There is a sensitive king in this country that needs prayers. Let’s pray that the days of bomb blast won’t come back mist, especially after the elections,” Iginla said.
President Putin’s Health
Prophet Iginla charged Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin to pray concerning his health.
He said, there is a strong attack coming so that he won’t be a vegetable while still on the throne. “There will be relative peace between Russia and Ukraine this year. So many things will come to play this year and Ukraine will find back her life,” the cleric noted.
Iginla’s prophecy reads further: “The Vatican, the Catholic should continue to pray for this great ministry. There is still another kind of attack of their sensitive leaders between 2023 and 2024.
South Africa- The 2024 election will be serious and tough. The person there will narrowly escape…Julius Malema will become the president one day because the hand of God is upon him.
There will be revival back in South African church and fresh fire will rekindle the glory. The load shedding will get worse, but God’s hand is upon the country.
Zimbabwe- The gospel fire will be massive. The current president will go to the polls and sustain his seats. But we pray for the economy to grow stronger under his watch.
Zambia- the president will continue to deliver his electoral promises, and the economy will wax stronger, but there are some mysterious enemies in the system who will want to thwart his plans. God will expose them to him. Please don’t forget those who Labour for you before you attain the seat of power.
South Sudan- it will wax stronger this year but there will be more battles on the economy, but the Lord will sustain the country.
Like I said last year the president should continue to pray for his health so that people won’t be fighting over his seats even while he is still alive.
Kenya- The president of Kenya will deliver his electoral promises gradually, but he should pray against civil unrest that can do a lot of harm to his current gains and plans for the country. He must be prayerful and sensitive that he won’t be poisoned and that he might finish well.
“UK- the new prime minister should pray too to finish his tenure. I see another shaking. The UK should pray against senseless killing.
“Gabon- the president should be prayerful. God is the giver of life and will keep him in good health. Let’s pray for the month of July, August till October of this year for the country of Gabon,” Iginla’s prophecy reads.