Dollar to Naira Exchange Rates
Pounds To Naira Exchange Rate/Black Market Rate Today 25 January 2023

This is the news about the Pounds to Naira rate at the official and black market exchange rate Today January 25th, 2023.
Read Naija News update on the official pounds rates as well as Black Market rates, Bureau De Change (BDC) rates, and CBN rates.
Daily Pound to Naira, GBP to NGN, Black Market (Lagos) exchange rates, percentage changes, historical rate charts and currency converter.
How Much is Pounds To Naira Exchange Rate Today Official Rate?
The official rate today, Wednesday, 25th January, 2023, for £1 pound to naira = ₦566.591/£1.
According to the data from the CBN, exchange rate between the naira and the British pounds opened at ₦566.591/£1 on Wednesday January 25th, after it sold at ₦568.1412 to a £1 on Tuesday, 24th January 2023.
Naija News reports that a pound is bought at the official market at ₦565.9751 and sold for ₦567.2069.
How much is exchange rate of Pounds to Naira in Black Market today?
The exchange rate for a pound to naira at Lagos Parallel Market (Black Market) – Pounds exchaged for as low as ₦916 and as high as ₦925 on Wednesday, January 25th, 2023, according to sources at Bureau De Change (BDC).
Despite SIM-NIN Restrictions, Mobile Subscriptions Hit 222 million
In 2022, the number of mobile subscriptions in Nigeria rose to 222.23 million despite the implementation of the Federal Government’s National Identification Number-Subscriber Identity Module policy.
In the new data provided by the Nigerian Communications Commission, the total number of subscriptions grew from 195.13 million as of December 2021 to 222.23 million as of December 2022.
This growth signified a complete shake-off of the decline that plagued the telecoms industry in 2021 when the total number of mobile subscriptions declined by 4.42 per cent from 204.15 million as of December 2020 to 195.13 million as of December 2021.
In the period under review, MTN Nigeria grew by 20.96 per cent from 73.59 million to 89.02 million; Airtel grew by 11.38 per cent from 53.93 million to 60.07 million; Globacom grew by 9.98 per cent from 54.82 million to 60.29 million; and 9mobile grew by 0.49 per cent from 12.85 million to 12.79 million.
The number of active telephone connections per 100 inhabitants living within an area grew to 116.60 per cent, the (highest on record) in 2022.
Nigeria’s mobile population is the largest in Africa and is expected to continue to grow because of its large youth population. According to GSMA, the global body representing telcos, 18 million new Nigerians will become unique mobile subscribers by 2025.