#ElectionResults: Drama As Mad Man Eats Up Food Sacrifice Placed At Lagos Polling Unit (Video)

There was a mild drama at one of the polling units in Lagos State on Saturday over a food sacrifice placed at the venue by unidentified persons.
According to the narration from the video trending online, the sacrifice was placed overnight and residents of Graceland Estate in the Ajah area of Lagos State only woke up to meet it there.
However, while the residents were wondering what should be the next step, a mentally unstable person approached the sacrifice and started eating up the content.
The video was shared on Twitter by popular Nigerian actress, Kate Henshaw.
Sharing the video, she wrote: “See what happened to one of their sacrifices at a polling unit. Grace land estate Ajah
Who hungry no care whether na sacrifice or not.
E no CORNcen am🤣🤣🤣”
Watch the video below.