Nigeria Entertainment News
Gangs Of Lagos Bill Board Destroyed On Third Maryland Bridge (Photo)

The billboard housing an advert of the film, Gangs of Lagos situated at the third Maryland Bridge was destroyed days after the Lagos State Government condemned the promoters, describing the movie as a mockery of the heritage of Lagos.
Recall the Commissioner for Tourism, Arts, and Culture, Uzamat Akinbile-Yussuf, in a statement on Wednesday, expressed her disappointment in portraying the Eyo Masquerade as a gun-wielding villain while adorning the full traditional regalia.
“We are of the opinion that the production of the film ‘The Gang of Lagos’ is very unprofessional and misleading while its content is derogatory of our culture, with the intention to desecrate the revered heritage of the people of Lagos. It is an unjust profiling of a people and culture as being barbaric and nefarious. It depicts a gang of murderers rampaging across the State,” the Commissioner said in a statement.
The descendants of Isale Eko also threatened legal action, after they protested the violence and gangsterism portrayed by Eyo in the film.
However, in a recent development, the Gang of Lagos banner was pulled down from the billboard beside the third mainland bridge.
See photo below;