Research In The Vilon Peptide And Lifespan
Research suggests that lysine and glutamic acid comprise the dipeptide known as Vilon. Lysglutamic acid is another name for it. [i] Researchers speculate that Vilon may positively impact vital organs, including the liver, heart, and kidney, and the immune system.
Vilon appears to use the chromatin structure to its advantage. Chromosomes are made up of chromatins, which are structures made up of DNA cells and proteins. These chromosomes transport genetic data to many tissues.
The following operations on chromatin may be carried out by Vilon, as speculated by clinical studies: [ii]
- It may relax the coils of chromatin
- It may increase synthesis via activating genes involved in ribosome production.
- It may activate dormant genes
- Chromosome chromatin flanking the centromere may not be decondensed.
Researchers suggest that bioregulator peptide Vilon may reactivate dormant genes and cells by altering DNA structure through chromatin modifications. As a result of age and a weakened immune system, cells and tissues gradually lose their ability to perform their normal functions. Professionals suggest that the Vilon peptide may aid recovery, increasing the body’s efficiency.
Vilon Peptide Mechanism of Action
Findings suggest that Vilon may be a bioregulator peptide with the potential to boost immunity, notably in older test subjects and those with impaired immune systems.
Further research suggests that the spleen cells that Vilon may stimulate produce the immune system protein interleukin-2. It may reduce potentially adverse autoimmune reactions and promote the body’s natural defenses against microbial infection and foreign bodies.
Additional studies speculate that the immune system may naturally be strengthened by Vilon, which may stimulate white blood cells and spleen cells. In 2002, researchers examined the impact of three bioregulatory peptides on spleen cell interleukin-2 messenger RNA production. Interleukin-2 mRNA production in splenocytes was suggested to be dose- and time-dependent, as well as dependent on peptide type and concentration. Studies suggest Cortagen’s potential impact on interleukin-2 mRNA production was less apparent than those of Vilon and Epithalon. [iii]
Researchers speculate the thymus gland may be another target of Vilon peptides’ potential protective action against autoimmunity. Research suggests that the thymus gland is important for producing new T-helper cells, and the Vilon peptide may aid in this process. More investigations imply that the Vilon peptide may aid in immunological regulation by promoting the production of T-helper cells, which play a crucial role in maintaining homeostasis.
Research Studies in the Vilon Peptide
As per speculative clinical trials, using Vilon may potentially increase an organism’s longevity. Research studies suggested that by increasing the average lifetime by enhancing physical endurance and energy levels, Vilon may also impact the immune system, as described above. [iv]
Further research suggests that bioregulators like Vilon may not affect cells that have already undergone apoptosis when provided late in life; they may only reverse the silent cells.
Multiple studies suggest that Vilon peptide may stop the spread of cancerous cells by halting the development of new tumors and slowing the progression of existing ones. [v] At least one research study suggests using Vilon as a chemotherapy addition. This research speculates the peptide-platinum combination may be counterproductive when combined with other platinum-based chemotherapy substances. [vi] Research suggests that the effectiveness of Vilon as a chemotherapy adjunct cannot be evaluated at this time due to the study’s focus on a single chemotherapeutic modality.
Studies speculate that because it may improve the process by which certain digestive enzymes operate, Vilon peptide may potentially affect gastrointestinal function. As findings suggest, the peptide may increase the body’s resilience to gastrointestinal (GI) diseases, decrease diarrhea, and boost general GI health. [vii]
Further research speculates that Vilon peptide may reduce glucose buildup and improve glycine absorption by acting on the small intestine muscles. This aids in maintaining the necessary nutrient extraction rates. [viii]
As was previously suggested by research, Vilon may maintain a healthy thymus by acting on the gland and stimulating cellular growth. The researchers speculated that the thymus significantly affects an organism’s functionality. The thymus loses its ability to produce antibodies as bodies age, but the Vilon peptide may restore this function.
Additional investigations suggest that the Vilon peptide may modify the expression of 36 cardiac genes. Epithalon, another bioregulator peptide, may increase this to 144. This process shows that the peptide may affect gene expression in the heart, which might benefit hemodynamic parameters. [ix]
Scientists have speculated that Vilon may promote fibrinolysis and raise levels of natural anticoagulants, including antithrombin III and protein C. It may also control glucose metabolism by lowering insulin levels. [x]
Studies suggest that the mesenteric microvessels are thought to be more permeable after Vilon is present in the organism. “The preparation produces a potent homeostatic effect in the early period of chronic renal failure,” as stated by N. Gavrisheva et al. [xi]
Only academic and scientific institutions are permitted to use Vilon. If you are a researcher interested in purchasing Vilon peptides for your clinical studies, you can do so by visiting Biotech Peptides. Please note that none of the items listed are approved for human or animal consumption. Laboratory research chemicals are only for in-vitro and in-lab use. Any kind of physical introduction is illegal. Only authorized academics and working professionals may make purchases. The content of this article is intended only for instructional purposes.
[i] National Center for Biotechnology Information (2022). PubChem Compound Summary for CID 7010502, Lysylglutamic acid.
[ii] Lezhava T, Khavison V, Monaselidze J, Jokhadze T, Dvalishvili N, Bablishvili N, Barbakadze S. Bioregulator Vilon-induced reactivation of chromatin in cultured lymphocytes from old people. Biogerontology. 2004;5(2):73-9.
[iii] Kazakova TB, Barabanova SV, Khavinson VKh, Glushikhina MS, Parkhomenko EP, Malinin VV, Korneva EA. In vitro effect of short peptides on expression of interleukin-2 gene in splenocytes. Bull Exp Biol Med. 2002 Jun;133(6):614-6.
[iv] Khavinson VK, Anisimov VN, Zavarzina NY, Zabezhinskii MA, Zimina OA, Popovich IG, Shtylik AV, Malinin VV, Morozov VG. Effect of vilon on biological age and lifespan in mice. Bull Exp Biol Med. 2000 Jul;130(7):687-90. DOI: 10.1007/BF02682106. PMID: 11140587.
[v] Khavinson VKh, Anisimov VN. A synthetic dipeptide vilon (L-Lys-L-Glu) inhibits the growth of spontaneous tumors and increases the life span of mice. Dokl Biol Sci. 2000 May-Jun;372:261-3. PMID: 10944717.
[vi] Barykina OP, Iuzhakov VV, Chalisova NI, Kvetnoĭ IM, Konovalov SS. Sochetannoe vliianie vilona i tsiklofosfana na transplanty opukholeĭ i éksplantaty limfoidnoĭ tkani mysheĭ i krys raznogo vozrasta [Combined effect of vilon and cyclophosphane on tumor transplants and lymphoid tissue explants in mice and rats of various age]. Adv Gerontol. 2003;12:128-31. Russian. PMID: 14743610.
[vii] Khavinson VKh, Timofeeva NM, Malinin VV, Cordova LA, Nikitina AA. Effect of vilon and epithalon on activity of enzymes in epithelial and subepithelial layers in small intestine of old rats. Bull Exp Biol Med. 2002 Dec;134(6):562-4.
[viii] Khavinson VKh, Egorova VV, Timofeeva NM, Malinin VV, Cordova LA, Gromova LV. Effect of Vilon and Epithalon on glucose and glycine absorption in various regions of small intestine in aged rats. Bull Exp Biol Med. 2002 May;133(5):494-6.
[ix] Anisimov SV, Bokheler KR, Khavinson VKh, Anisimov VN. Studies of the effects of Vilon and Epithalon on gene expression in mouse heart using DNA-microarray technology. Bull Exp Biol Med. 2002 Mar;133(3):293-9.
[x] Kuznik BI, Isakova NV, Kliuchereva NN, Maleeva NV, Pinelis IS. [Effect of vilon on the immunity status and coagulation hemostasis in patients of different age with diabetes mellitus]. Adv Gerontol. 2007;20(2):106-15. Russian. PMID: 18306698.
[xi] Gavrisheva NA, Malinin VV, Ses TP, Kozlov KL, Panchenko AV, Titkov AY. Effect of peptide Vilon on the content of transforming growth factor-beta and permeability of microvessels during experimental chronic renal failure. Bull Exp Biol Med. 2005 Jan;139(1):24-6. DOI: 10.1007/s10517-005-0202-9. PMID: 16142267.