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TV Presenter Drags Ilebaye For Being Nasty Says 120 Million Can’t Buy Character




Media personality, Charles Born has called out the winner of the Big Brother Nigeria (BBNaija) All-Stars, Ilebaye Odiniya for allegedly being nasty and disrespectful.

Ilebaye who has been on media rounds since she defeated all other housemates to win the grand prize of N120 million at the BBNaija finale on October 1 got slammed over her character.

Narrating his encounter with the reality star, Charles in a recent Instagram live session, said their production team had started filming Pere and Adekunle when Ilebaye arrived on set.

He said Ilebaye became “upset” and decided to “leave after waiting for a short while, despite efforts to calm her down”.

Charles described Ilebaye’s actions as “disrespectful and nasty”, adding that there are “consequences for every action” in the entertainment industry.

The broadcaster also slammed Ilebaye, saying “N120 million can get you a lot of things but it cannot get you character”.

“We had started filming Pere and Adekunle when Ilebaye arrived. I did not know but we were informed that Ilebaye was outside waiting

“After we were done, Ilebaye said she was upset that we kept her waiting. She arrived on set when we were filming two people. There was no way we were going to cut what we were doing to bring her on set.

“She said, in her words, ‘how dare we keep her waiting? What rubbish is that?’ Her chaperone kept begging her, but she wasn’t budging.

“Myself and my producer got off set to talk to her but before stepping out, she had driven off. I was really upset because this was very disrespectful.

“She did not ask to see the presenters or producers, she just got upset and left. I also have a life, the producers and the production company have a life.

“You can choose to react however you want but there are consequences for every action. It is a very small industry, you can’t be that nasty to anybody no matter what it is.

“I did not think waiting was enough reason for her to up and leave. For me, it was disrespectful, it was a spite to the production company, it was an insult to me, my co-host and my producer and it was a slap on our faces.

“It simply means she was telling us: “fuck you, I don’t care about you and I’m going to do whatever the fuck I want to do.” That is exactly what she said to us by leaving.

“N120 million can get you a lot of things but it can’t get you character. And what sustains you in this industry and life is good character.”

Chukwuani Victoria is an entertainment and lifestyle journalist who's passionate about storytelling with years of experience in the industry. She holds a BSC in Biology and also obtained a postgraduate diploma in broadcast journalism at the Nigerian Institute of Journalism, Ogba, Lagos. She likes to read, research, hang out with her friends and play scrabbles.