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Japa: Breakdown Of All You Need To Know About Belgium Study Visa Application Process




Belgium is a European country with many native English and French speakers. It is another country to migrate to from Nigeria as well quickly.

All you need to know about Belgium study visa:

School resumes October 4th, 2024.

Why choose Belgum:

Reasonable Tuition

Spouse Can move immediately

Legalization takes seven days

Payment upon arrival

Belgium schools accept instalmental payment.

Some Bachelor degree go for 3100 euro for 60 credits, while Masters can go for 5800 euro for 60 credits.

Bachelor Applications

International Passport

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Motivation letter

West African Senior Secondary School Certificate mentioning at least 5 subjects (of which at least 2 core subjects) each with a minimum grade B3 and an UTME score of at least 200.


Masters Applications

Proficiency letter

Degree certificate

Degree transcript

International passport


Motivation letter

Documents for legalization

Age declaration (by one of your parent).

Attestation of birth (National population commission, Abuja).

A clear coloured copy of the declarant’s valid identity card must be attached

Degree certificate

Degree transcript

Affidavits (if available)

Police Character certificate (Only the new digital police character certificate is accepted.)

Marriage certificate

All documents (original or certified true copy) to be legalized must be authenticated at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This authentication by MFA officers has a validity period of six months only.

Requirement for visa

International passport

Two copies of the visa application form completed and sugned

Proff of fund

Acceptance letter

Sponsor letter (if sponsor is in Belgium or Europe)

If you sponsor is in oversea, then blocked account us required (Proof of Solvency).

Medical certificate

Police Character certificate.

Belgium legalization

Days for submission of documents for legalization will be Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9: am to 11:am.

Print out the appointment confirmation and come with it on the day of the appointment.

Come with the documents to be legalized and the filled-in legalization form

Come with the proof of payment of the legalization fee.

Come with return prepaid courier service envelope if you wish for the legalized documents to be sent back to you.

Processing time for documents takes a minimum of 7 WORKING DAYS after submission of your complete file.