Junior Pope’s Death: Steps On How To Perform CPR During Emergency

The Nollywood industry was on Wednesday thrown into mourning following the death of Nollywood actor, Junior Pope, alongside other crew members.
Naija News reported that Nollywood actors were riding on a boat leaving the movie location on Wednesday, April 10, when they were involved in an accident in the Anam River in Anambra State.
A few hours after the demise of Junior Pope made rounds online, the actor was reportedly taken to a mortuary without a doctor’s assessment, where it was found that he was not dead.
Instead of taking the deceased to the hospital, he was reportedly taken to a shrine for certain sacrifice before being admitted to a hospital.
The situation surrounding the actor’s demise was faulted by many Nigerians, especially the lack of life jackets, lifeguards on the boat, an emergency medical team and CPR Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation after it was discovered that he was still alive.
In cases of emergency, like a collapse or drowning, you can focus on first aid to revive the patient while waiting for professional medical help in the form of an ambulance or a car to transport the person immediately to the hospital.
Below are steps on how to perform CPR
1. Call the emergency line or ask someone to call
2. Position the casualty lying on their back. Ensure they are on a firm surface.
3. Kneel to one side of the casualty.
4. Locate the notch where the ribs meet the breastbone.
5. Place the middle finger of one hand in the notch and the index finger next to the middle finger.
6. Place the heel of the other hand next to the two fingers.
7. Place the other hand on top so the heels of both hands are over the same point on the breastbone.
8. Interlock the fingers to keep them off the chest.
9. With your elbows straight and locked and your shoulders over the casualtyĆs chest, press straight down using the weight of your body to compress the breastbone 4-5cm (the depth of an adult’s thumb). Use a smooth, uninterrupted rhythm, allowing equal time for compression and relaxation.
10. Give 30 compressions at a rate of 80-100 compressions a minute. Give two slow, full breaths.
11. Reposition hands and administer a further 30 compressions/two breaths.
12. Continue the ratio of 30 compressions/two breaths. After completing four cycles of chest compressions and breaths, administer two further breaths and then check the pulse in the neck.