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Bandits Gun Down Kaduna Villagers In Broad Daylight




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There was tension in the Ewehko community under Maro Ward in the Kajuru Local Government Area of Kaduna following an attack by bandits.

Naija News reports that the bandits killed five villagers while attending a local meeting.

According to Daily Trust, sources revealed that the attackers also set ablaze motorcycles of some of the victims during the operation which happened at approximately 2:14 pm on Monday.

A resident who simply identified himself as Benjamin Maro said the bodies of five people were recovered from the scene of the incident.


“Another tragic incident occurred in our community today (Monday). In broad daylight, bandits launched a deadly assault on Ewehko, popularly known as Unguwar Paul, a village under Maro Ward in Kajuru Local Government Area of Kaduna State.

“The attack happened at approximately 2:14 pm on 17/06/2024. As of this report, the bodies of four men and one woman have been discovered. Search efforts are ongoing in the surrounding bushes for others who may still be missing,” he said.

Another resident, Reuben Maro, said, “Houses were also torched, including the motorcycles of the people killed.”


He said the bandits attacked the innocent villagers in broad daylight.

“Although the area where the incident happened is a remote village, about six people were killed,” he said.

is an Associate at Naija News. He is a news media enthusiast, he holds a degree in psychology and loves exploring and sharing about the enormous power that lies in the human mind. Email: [email protected], Instagram: adeniyidman