18 Amazing and Mind-Blowing Facts About Twins You Never Knew
Twins are two offspring of the same gestation. Twins can also be monozygotic (identical), meaning they can develop from just one zygote, which then splits and forms two embryos, or dizygotic(fraternal), meaning they can develop two different eggs, each fertilized by separate sperm. Twins are truly amazing, double the joy. Many people dream of having twins because of the amazing and fascinating things they are known for. On the other hand, others don’t do the extra stress and work as a result. Still, we can’t deny that having a twin is truly amazing. There are a lot of things you have never discovered about twins. This article will open your eyes to at least 18 fascinating and amazing facts about twins.
1. Do you know that a group of twins can have different biological fathers and races?
Before you scream, this is entirely possible in the case of the fraternal twins. Although very rare, this happens when two eggs released from a woman’s ovaries are fertilized by sperm from two different men, especially if the woman has more than one sex partner. Because the eggs can survive for a few days after being released from the ovary, they can potentially be fertilized by two different sperm from two different men on two different consecutive occasions of intercourse. Another striking point is that if the two fathers are from different races, the twins are also from different races. Check out the twin below… case in point!
2. One of the twins can clearly outgrow the other
This might cause alarm or concern, especially in the mother. However, on several occasions both have been found to survive and continue well into adulthood, although on most occasions the preferred twin is still larger than the other. In fact, I have a friend who happened to be the victim of one. She is a twin and was so small when she was born her mother thought she was giving birth to a baby and a rat! Look at the photo below, one baby is about three times larger than the other.
3. No matter how identical, twins don’t have the same fingerprints
No two people ever have the same fingerprints. It’s one of the most unique ways of distinguishing between two different people, even if they’re the most identical twins ever.
4. Did you hear? Trained tracking dogs can identify identical twins!
In case you come across people who have serious difficulties distinguishing between a group of identical twins. Suggest employing the services of a sniffer dog, it will help.
5. You had better pray for twins today because you will live longer!
Research has shown that women who have given birth to twins tend to live longer than their counterparts who have not. It is believed that a woman who is able to give birth to twins is generally much healthier than another woman who has not had twins. See this amazing coincidence of identical twin mothers giving birth on the same day, one gave birth to another twin! Don’t they look very healthy?
6. Twins interact with each other in the womb
Just as twins are very close together when they are born, so were they in the womb. The University of Padua recently discovered this. According to their discovery, twins were seen attacking each other just 14 weeks after conception. Four weeks later, twins in the womb touched each other more often than they touched their own bodies. The twins were gentle with each other, making explicit gestures towards each other. But I don’t think they talked…
7. Conjoined twins can hear each other’s thoughts and see through each other’s eyes!
Conjoined twins is another name for conjoined twins. This mostly happens when they are mentally connected. Although no one prays for it, this is also one of the things you should know about Gemini.
8. Identical twins give birth to siblings who are also cousins! Check how…
This happens when a set of identical twins marries another set of identical twins. Their children will officially be cousins, but biologically they are actually siblings. This is because two children are genetic siblings if the chromosomes that both children received are from the same pool. Since the genetic pool of identical twins is identical, these two sets of parents would produce children from identical pools.
9. Another way to distinguish between identical twins is their navel (belly button)
Just like fingerprints, no two people will have the same scar pattern after healing the cut umbilical cord (belly button). It’s the same with identical twins. Their individual umbilical cords heal in different and unique ways, creating another way of telling them apart, especially when they are very young and much more identical.
10. Do you dream of having twins? then you take more dairy products
It has been scientifically discovered that mothers who consume a lot of milk and other dairy products have a better chance of giving birth to twins than their counterparts who don’t – the difference is a 5:1 ratio. This is because, that cows, like humans, also produce IGF and pass it into their milk, which the females consume. This could also be related to the assumption that taller women have more chances of giving birth to twins than short or average ones. However, do not forget that too much milk is not suitable for adults.
11. Body Temperature Adjustment
A twin mother’s body has the ability to naturally and automatically adjust the temperature to each twin’s needs when carrying them. This happens most often when she is breastfeeding.
12. You may have noticed – twins are more likely to be left-handed than single babies
It has been found that left-handedness is more common in twins than in single children. i know me It has not yet been discovered why this is so.
13. Although a group of twins have grown apart, they have very similar behavior
Twins have the ability to still behave in amazingly similar ways as they grow up, even if they were separated at birth. On several occasions it has been noticed that they grew up loving the same career, pets, colors etc. Jim Lewis and Jim Springer, for example, were four weeks old when they became families. It later turned out that their lives shared some truly striking similarities. They both had a dog named Toy as children. Both married twice, firstly to women named Linda and secondly to women named Betty!
14. Gemini invent their own language
The majority of Gemini develop a unique language of interaction with each other before acquiring their first language. They can understand each other’s chatter and gestures and interact freely in their own world before learning to speak. This could be really exciting and amazing if you get a chance to watch a group of twins doing it.
15. A fraternal twin is likely to give birth to a fraternal set of twins
If a mother is a non-identical twin, there is every possibility that when she gives birth to twins, twins will be equally non-identical. If she had given birth to fraternal twins earlier, she would not be able to give birth to an identical twin again, only a fraternal one. However, it is not an absolute rule.
16. Twins can be born in two different years
So many people think that a set of twins must be born on the same day, but this is not always the case. It is this belief that gives the impression that all twins are the same age and have the same birthdays. Some twins are born separately, with the time difference ranging from days to months. Records have shown that some twins were born 85-87 days apart, which is approximately 3 months apart. And the most striking thing is that if the first was born towards the end of a year, the other will end up being born next year! Such was the case of a 41-year-old Romanian woman who gave birth to her first daughter in November 2014. The other was born seven weeks later in January 2015.
17. A set of twins is a good pair of mischief makers
Having twins in the house can be really challenging, especially the identical ones. It doesn’t matter how old they are. Once they are up to some kind of mischief, it is always difficult to notice or stop them in time. They could continue to commit some atrocity and prank people by shifting blame between one another. And on several occasions when the real culprit could not be identified, both are allowed to get away scot-free. If you’re not careful, they can even grow into deadly crooks.
18. Central Africans give birth to the most twins
When it comes to Gemini, not all regions are created equal. Central Africa holds the record for the highest rate of double births, according to a new international study and a global twinning database, while Asia and Latin America have significantly lower twinning rates. According to the same study, the Central African country of Benin has the highest national average of twins, with a whopping 27.9 twins per 1,000 births.
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